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与 礼拜堂 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Vincent de Paul has divinely traced the features of the Sister of Charity in these admirable words, in which he mingles as much freedom as servitude:"They shall have for their convent only the house of the sick; for cell only a hired room; for chapel only their parish church; for cloister only the streets of the town and the wards of the hospitals; for enclosure only obedience; for gratings only the fear of God; for veil only modesty."


Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem at the end of his ministry is usually associated with the Passover Feast, but some scholars (such as Hyam Maccoby and Eliezer Segal) point out that details of the entry, such as the Hosanna shout, the waving of palm fronds, and the proclamation of a king, are more consistent with the Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkoth, than with Passover.

耶稣在传道结束的时候胜利地进入了耶路撒冷,通常是与逾越节相联系,但一些学者(例如 Hyam Maccoby 和 Eliezer Segal指出了进入的细节,例如是呼叫赞美上帝之语,棕榈叶的挥动,还有宣称成为王,比起逾越节来,更加多地与礼拜堂的节日,或者是住棚节相一致。

Since hosting the coronation of William the Conqueror on Christmas Day in 1066, the dazzling sanctuary has witnessed an endless procession of royal ceremonies and affairs of state—from the canonization of Edward the Confessor, to the marriage of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, to the funerals of Henry V, Queen Elizabeth I, and Lady Diana.


The Museum is located 38 showrooms, the main items of Rafael subject to the orders of Pope Julius II, painted for the Sistine Chapel "Sistine Madonna", Meng Temei Charnow draw a "Welcome" performance of the Holy Roman Empire Empress Maria Theresia a grand reception by the Spanish nobility of the scene, Rembrandt's "Rembrandt and Sasiqiya," Giorgione's "sleep of Venus", etc., are world-famous masterpiece.

该馆设 38个陈列室,主要展品有拉斐尔受教皇尤里乌斯二世之命为西斯廷礼拜堂绘制的《西斯廷圣母》,蒙特梅查诺绘制的《迎宾》表现了神圣罗马帝国玛丽亚·特蕾西亚皇后受到西班牙贵族隆重接待的场面,伦勃朗的《伦勃朗与萨斯琪亚》,乔尔乔涅的《入睡的维纳斯》等,都是世界闻名的杰作。

Henry VI, founder of Eton and of King's College, Cambridge, lays the first stone of King's College Chapel.


The Shanghai International Church is a modern Gothic building made of wood and bricks.


On July 2, 2008, Archbishop Andrew Chang-Mou Choi of the Kwangju Archdiocese visited the Blessed Mother's Mountain and the Chapel in Naju together with several priests and lay people.

2008年7月2日,光州教区总主教Andrew Chang-Mou Choi与若干神父和平信徒们,一道参观了罗州的圣母山与礼拜堂

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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
