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与 礼拜堂 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A large number of these deserters belonged to the Congregation of the Oratory, but other orders shared with it this unfortunate distinction.


He lived in the oratory. At any hour of day or night, I could find him on the bare flagstones kneeling before the altar.


Indeed, the chapel was so large and high-ceilinged that it seemed a whole world.


Louis XIII (1601-1643) had the decoration of the Trinity Chapel completed and reconstructed the famous horseshoe-shaped staircase.


Beyond the castle chapel the sea of roofs spread out in all directions: the Great Hall, the throne room, the archives and servants' quarters, all pitched and uneven, repaired or replaced many times as the seasons in their passing licked at gray stone and lead shingle, then nibbled them away.


Nestled into a forest of Australian mimosa trees, a small family chapel designed by 57 Studio provides a quiet and serene place for religious contemplation.


The Catholic population of China is about 820,000, governed by 39 Apostolic vicars, and 2 Apostolic prefects, with 955 European missionaries, having 4,067 churches and chapels, 90 colleges and seminaries, 4,067 schools and orphan asylums, and 62 hospitals.

天主教中国人口约82万,由39使徒领唱,200使徒省级有955个欧洲传教士,拥有4,067座教堂和礼拜堂,90个学院和神学院,067所学校和孤儿收容所 62医院。

The nave, aisles, transepts, apse, and radiating chapels of Gothic cathedrals, for example, are all visible on the exterior , so that the visitor is subconsciously prepared for what he will find inside.


Mr. Riggs says he recently tabled a project to renovate the church's chapel because he sensed he couldn't raise enough money.


The rib continues across the roof, reorients itself at ridge line, continues down the other wall and across the floor until it is reoriented once again at the "keel," or the central axis of the floor of the chapel.

肋骨继续在屋顶, reorients本身脊线,继续下跌的其他墙壁和整个楼,直到它是调整再次在&龙骨&,或中央轴线楼礼拜堂

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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
