英语人>网络例句>碧 相关的搜索结果

与 碧 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He still saw her at parties, but across the room, and, when he did maneuver close to her, she had little to say. During their affair they had shared, along with sex, concerns about their children, and memories of their parents and upbringings. This sort of innocent exposure of another, eagerly apprehended life figures among the things lovers lose, a flow of blameless confidences that, halted, builds up a pressure.


The most solemn condemnation of Naturalism and Rationalism was contained in the Constitution "De Fide" of the Vatican Council (1870); the most explicit and detailed condemnation, however, was administered to modern Liberalism by Pius IX in the Encyclical "Quanta cura" of 8 December, 1864 and the attached Syllabus.

最隆重的谴责自然主义和理性主义是载于宪法的&善意&,梵蒂冈会( 1870 );最明确和详细的谴责,但是,管理到现代自由主义由岳九,在通谕&广cura & 1864年12月8日及所附的教学大纲。

In the moat of Vincennes asepulchral shaft sprang from the earth,recalling the fact that the Duc d'Enghien had perished in the very month when Napoleon was crowned.


In the moat of Vincennes asepulchral shaft sprang from the earth,recalling the fact that the Duc d'Enghien had perished in the very month when Napoleon was crowned.


The mountain has good location, because it is beside the Attersee, which is the biggest lake in Upper Austria.


Today we went to the Hochplettspitz for hiking. The mountain has good location, because it is beside the Attersee, which is the biggest lake in Upper Austria.


The Council of Trent lasted eighteen years (1545-1563) under five popes: Paul III, Julius III, Marcellus II, Paul IV and Pius IV, and under the Emperors Charles V and Ferdinand.

理事会特伦特历时十八年( 1545年至1563年)下, 5教皇:保罗三,朱利三, marcellus二,四,保罗和岳四,根据皇帝查理五世和费迪南德。

International Commercial Director Aymeric De Gironde, a young


In 1957 Pope Pius XII raised the concerns over whether doctors might be continuing the resuscitation process, despite the fact that the soul may already have left the body.


In 1950 Pius XII defined the dogma of bodily assumption of the Virgin Mary, that on her death she was preserved from "the corruption of the tomb" and was raised body and soul to the glory of heaven, to shine refulgent as Queen at the right hand of her Son.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
