英语人>网络例句>碧 相关的搜索结果

与 碧 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the foreground a water meadow with some tiny cows, two brushstrokes each, but confidently cows; two minuscule white geese in the blue water, back-to-back, feeding, and a slanting stick.

前景中 的一片洼地里有些小母牛,每头只画了两笔,但肯定是母牛;两只微小的白鹅在水中,背靠背,啄食,还有一条歪曲的枝条。

A minor example: At Beyonce's concert at Beijing's Wukesong Stadium Friday, security personnel struggled to enforce an apparent rule against concertgoers standing up to dance.


Patrons are given a cold beverage when they walk in and can get a hot lather shave with a classic straight razor and hot towels.


Throughout our history, we have remained committed to ongoing scientific research of the skin and maintaining our relationships with dermatologists around the world.


Lemon Squash Lemon Juice , Sprite


Heals leg ulcers in patients who suffer from diabetic leg ulcerations. Additionally, Pycnogenol?


The results show that the simulated track of Bilis has about 39% and 16% improvement averaged during the 72 h forecasts after the assimilation of dropsonde and QuikSCAT data, respectively. The simulation of radar reflectivity is also improved. Similarly, the simulated track of Kaemi is improved by 26% and 21% by assimilating dropsonde and QuikSCAT data, respectively. However, the data assimilation appears to have no improvement in terms of radar reflectivity simulation for the Kaemi case.

结果显示,利斯台风在加入投落送资料与QuikSCAT资料后,对模拟6至72小时的平均路径误差除分别有52 km及16 km的改进外,对雷达回波强度之模拟也有所改善,而凯米台风在加入上述两种资料后,对模拟路径误差之整体改进则分别达到71 km及42 km;6月中旬梅雨锋面个案同化该两种资料后之雷达回波模拟强度也有所改善,而与观测较为接近。

With the assimilation of dropsonde/QuikSCAT data, the simulated environmental flow becomes more northerly/southerly, resulting in better tracks. The data assimilation also helps to produce better water vapor mixing ratio in the simulations of the Bilis and Mei-yu cases. As a result, the radar reflectivity is better captured in the simulations.


This study uses the Weather Research and Forecasting model and its variational data assimilation system to examine the impact of dropsonde and QuikSCAT data on numerical simulations. Three cases, including Typhoon Bilis (2006), Typhoon Kaemi (2006), and a Mei-yu rainfall event, are tested. These cases are chosen because there were special data collections of dropsonde observations.


As for the mid-June 2006 Mei-yu case, the assimilation of both kinds of data can help the simulation of radar reflectivity. Further investigations show that the assimilation of dropsonde and QuikSCAT data produces stronger southerly environmental winds in the Bilis case, resulting in a better simulated track than the runs without these data. In these runs, the simulated tracks are too far to the south compared with the observed. In the Kaemi case, the tracks of simulations without dropsonde/QuikSCAT data assimilation were shifted to the north/south of the observed track, respectively.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
