英语人>网络例句>碧 相关的搜索结果

与 碧 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We got ice cream too, I dunked mine in my sprite.


Thai soldiers on Monday began rounding up and evicting Hmong hill-tribe members at a refugee camp in Petchabun, 320 kilometers north of Bangkok.


From there one could take the path to the north along the foot of the hill. Four hours' walking with a climb over the foremost hills and through the village of Kung Chin Lung, brought one to the Lung Chi Miao Temple where the stream was forded. The stream flowed in the direction of Pi Yuin An and the Broken Pagoda served a considerable time as an excellent landmark. The shaho Steps began almost immediately below this landmark.

从那里你可以走山脚下往北的那条路,花4个小时爬过最前面的山通过 kung chin lung 村,到达龙池庙,趟过浅滩,这条溪流是流向云庵的,而 broken pagoda 则一直是一个很显眼的地标。

The Hawaii archipelago is world renowned as being one of the tropical paradises on Earth: thanks to very well construes PR campaigns, we all imagine luxuriant vegetation, a jubilation of flowers, inebriating perfumes and aromas, a savage but well ordered nature, lukewarm crystal clear waters inhabited by a multitude of fish and marine animals.


That is to say, it is the moment before the sunset, the golden sunrays irradiate upon the Biji Archway from the west, casting its inverted image to the east street. At the same time, the moon has just rises from the east, its silver moonlights reflecting the Jinma Archway, casting the inverted image to the west street. With the movement of the sun and moon, the shadows of the two archways gradually draw closely, finally totally connected.


At first, the dissertation neatened the meanings ,types and characters of rubric systematacially; found out the deficiencies in the researchs at home and abroad by literature, and analysed the current problems in using the rubric by questionnaire and interview; based on the analysis on the platforms" functions abroad and the demands of users, the author designed and developed a web-based rubric which can create rubric and assess students online; primarily designed a teaching assessment process based on rubric by the education assessment theories, and by action research, sampled the BiGguiYuan middle school students in Grade 2 as the research objects, used the rubric in information technology teaching; during the study, the author observed the teaching activities,students" learning behaviors and teaching blogs; finally, the author analyzed the dates from questionnaire and teachers interview and observing of the researcher,testified each other in order to validate the effect of applying rubric.


It overgrows with original pines and forest. Mongolian tent sprinkles in the bluish green woods, spreading over the bank.


Huo Qing-Feng keeps kneeling and prostrates himself three times to bid a most respectful farewell to Po and Doug.


The water is green, in the distance the rigs are silhouetted on the horizon.


Sure, the scenes of planetary destruction were impressive, John Cusack did his thing and Beatrice Rosen smoldered on the screen, but as for the rest of it, I have similar criticisms as I had of Nick Cage's Knowing .


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
