英语人>网络例句>碧 相关的搜索结果

与 碧 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The calligraph contains beautiful and incense lotus flowers, looks elegant.


But more uncanny of, is Anne bluish green city just at mumbling read to cantillate of language of writing, that is to grow peculiar language, isn't the curl syllable which comes from Western Regions, but difficult to pronounce but strong and tough accent, good take a certain stupid decision.


The experimental result shows, Morpho butterfly's wing micro-structure forms the reflecting rate higher than the reflecting rate of other butterflies, so regard Morpho butterfly as and transfer to the micro-structure of printing, is observed by SEM and transfered to the vein micro-structure printed, demonstrate the same array scale as Morpho butterfly and carinate fin slice, small in more quantity than Morpho butterfly in the slight branch form structure, but metal micro-structure of color and luster printed off to transfer to raise reflect, it is it print off by AFM array carinate fin of alternate size nearly the width of 1.5μm to transfer to measure.


In the year 1851 Abbot Casaretto of Subiaco initiated at Genoa a return to a stricter observance than was then in vogue, and several other monasteries of the Cassinese congregation, including Subiaco itself, desiring to unite in this reforming movement, Pius IX joined all such abbeys into one federation, which was called after its chief house, the "Province of Subiaco".


Tio Bi Le, a factory worker, was the first catechumen in Shalu parish in Taiwan.


The beauty of West Lake is not unique to the spring, summer days, Lin Bi, then the flowers, soak in the Autumn Moon of San Tan, after Shu-Ying Dong Plum crossfall, that more yarn in the cage Yan Liu Ying Ti, fine In the misty rain up the house, no matter when you come to enjoy the city's unusual style.


Natural Environmentally-Friendly Household Cleaners by Debi Harris Many people use a vast array of chemical-laden household cleaners and products around the home on a daily basis.


Pulitzer Prize-winning author Irwin Unger and Debi Unger explore the idealistic and complex Lyndon B. Johnson, as both a public and a private figure.


Methods 48 cases of unstable angina patient were divided into therapy group and control group.The control group was treated with routinely.The therapy group was treated with isosorbide dinitrate 20 mg intravenously and fraxiparine 0.4 mL subcutaneously b.i.d for 3 days.

方法48例不稳定型心绞痛病人随机分成治疗组与对照组,对照组进行常规治疗,治疗组在常规治疗的基础上,用异舒吉20 mg加入5%葡萄糖注射液250 mL中静脉注射(40~80μg/min),1次/d;速林0.4 mL皮下注射,2次/d,3 d后停药。

LI Bihua who owns many years of the empirical background to dramatize has the very strong silver consciousness of "write for the silver screen", because of this its novel have the special and strong photoplay feature: First, a painting montage of environment describing; Second, the person depiction of manuscript turns; Thrid, the details structure is enantiomorphous; Fourth, the descriptive language can be seen and felt, which is also concise and comprehensive.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
