英语人>网络例句>确实 相关的搜索结果


与 确实 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

True, Iceland is no utopia. Icelanders are big boozers 『酒徒』, with a fishing tradition of binge『狂欢作乐』drinking.


To be sure, we still have philosophical congresses.


By riding on about eight or mine miles farther, however, this wonder is a little diminished; for here we come to one of the devouring wens; namely, CHEL TENHAM, which is what they call a "watering place", that is to say, a place to whcih East India plunderers, West India floggers,English taxgorgers, together with gluttons, drunkards, and debauchees of all descriptions, femals as well as male, resort, at the suggestion of silently laughing quacks, in the hope of getting rid of the bodily consequences of their manifold sins and iniquities.


And Emirates airline is one of the best airlines of the world.


Indeed, they are either a part of the "secret governance" of your creation or their gophers.


Surely the herons have some important characters which be prone to coming into being of the individuality.


Mr Hill responds that the issue is far more complex than Mr Patrick makes it out to be—undoubtedly true, as it is one of the trickiest subjects in Texas—and lambasts such "bumper sticker- type politics".


True, Nintendo sold a lot of DS Lites.


But the fact is, a complex society like ours requires many tasks to be performed by experts and lites, and tackling some of the most difficult and urgent problems we face requires repositories of authority that can successfully marshal public consensus .

本段虽然短,却把思路引入了一个&矛盾&,一个悖论,确实,伟大的人物意味着伟大的错误,但在一个complex society like ours requires 精英专家,需要那种登高一呼万众响应的英明智者

That was how Jack's willing mind interpreted them; and in fact when they reached the double canoe, which in any case was bearing down upon them, these same girls and several others helped them up on to the mat-covered deck.


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The testees'previous mathematics knowledge and the problem's difficulty level have a major effect on sense of self-efficacy in mathematics learning, which ought to be taken into account in the testing .


President Bush said "the whole world is watching" how the United States copes with this crisis.


Money was sometimes so tight that Harlan pawned his valuables to provide for his children.
