英语人>网络例句>破坏能力 相关的搜索结果


与 破坏能力 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Unemployment brings out the destructibility and minus effects; not only damages the basic guarantee in lives and mental ability, but also harms the social and economic stabilization; in some degree it might change into a drastic social-political issue.


Unemployment brings out the destructibility and minus effects not only damages the basic guarantee in lives and mental abili ty , but also harms the social and economic stabilization in some degree it might change into a drastic social-political issue .


Especially raising skills for money… Wouldn't that be a disbalance in team's opinion?

特别是为了金钱而提升能力……那么这会不会破坏 WoG 小组的主张?

Bamboo mosaic virus encodes a 155-kDa replicase that the middle region contains a helicase-like domain according to the existence of several conserved featured motifs of helicase. Previous studies showed that the helicase-like domain exhibits both ATPase and RNA 5'-triphosphotase activities, and Mg2+ is essential for both activities. Mutagenesis of conserved motifs showed these amino acids play important roles for enzymatic activities. These results suggested that the properties of this denatured and renatured protein are coincident with other SF1 helicases.

从胺基酸序列分析显示,竹嵌纹病毒复制酵素中间区域的类解螺旋酵素具有解螺旋酵素的保留性胺基酸区域,经实验显示此蛋白具有ATPase和RNA 5'-triphosphatase活性,而且是依赖镁离子进行反应的,其中保留性胺基酸的突变会破坏其催化能力,说明这在大肠杆菌表达的蛋白质经过变性及重新摺叠的过程,具有和其他SF 1解螺旋酵素相似的特性。

The authors stress that they cannot prove whether antibodies against MOG and MBP have demyelinating capacity or whether they represent an epiphenomenon of myelin destruction.


The findings indicate that under uniaxial compression, the red sandstones at first experience structural intensification and then structural degradation until they are failed; the unconfined compressive strength of red sandstone is mainly related with compaction rate, pore distribution and connecting condition of mineral grains; and the above factors have a more notable impact on the unconfined compressive strength of red sandstone with the increase of weathering; with the increase of load, the grains area ratio and Euler number decrease, the pore develops towards centralization or collectivization, and the red sandstones gradually lose their resistance to deformation.


Mainly due to extensive damage to red blood cells after birth, the emergence of excess bilirubin and liver function so immature bilirubin metabolism caused by low capacity.


This thesis demonstrates the pre-polymers in a polymer-dispersed cholesteric liquid crystals can be polymerized into a polymer film, which can eliminate the aligning capability of the homogeneous alignment layer. Thereafter, the textures of the cholesteric liquid crystals in UV-cured region can be changed from reflective planar texture to the scattered focal conic one. Additionally, the clearing temperature of the liquid crystals can be reduced by doping with chiral dopant or monomers. The cause is the increase of the impurity concentration in LCs. In other words, if the monomers are polymerized, the clearing temperature of LCs in that region should increase due to the decrease of the impurity concentration. Therefore, impurities associated with doping with monomeric and chiral dopants cause the clearing temperature of LCs in cured region to differ from that in uncured region.

本文中,我们提出在高分子聚合物薄膜之胆固醇液晶(polymer-dispersed cholesteric liquid crystals,简称PDCLCs)中,利用紫外光使PDCLC中的单体聚合成薄膜,此即为光引致聚合反应,而该薄膜将原本在表面所作的配向膜覆盖且破坏其配向能力,使胆固醇液晶由原本反射的planar结构转换成散射的focal conic结构;另外,有关液晶材料的相变温度会由於掺杂手性分子或单体而降低,此因液晶材料内『杂质』浓度增加,而造成的液晶材料之不纯度增加,最终导致相变温度降低,若搭配上述光引致聚合反应,则由於光照区之单体聚合,使该区域单体占总材料之比例下降,即不纯度降低,进而使液晶材料之相变温度上升,该区域之相变温度与未照光区有所不同。

But the tumor had damaged the software used to save new information, which is why the amnesia became glaringly obvious only when he was at college, in an unfamiliar environment.

但恶性肿瘤破坏了大脑储存新信息的能力,这也是为什么 Andrew 在大学的时候会有明显的记忆缺失的症状出现,因为这是在一个陌生的环境里。

Proof of this has usually rested on demonstrating that individuals whose ability to perceive the magnetic field is disrupted (by having small magnets attached to them or by being kept in cages surrounded by Helmholtz coils) cannot orient correctly, whereas control animals can.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
