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与 研究地质 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Geological condition is the important factors in study on tunnel excavating disaster inevitably. From the aeolotropy of hard rock of tunnel engineering region, the stress distribution of several kinds of fault to the water gushing of tunnel, the type of geology disaster involved in macrocharacter, main control factors, disaster mechanism and control strategy in tunnel excavating are studied systematically in this thesis.

中文题名隧道开挖地质灾害规律与防治对策研究副题名外文题名 Study on tunnel excavating geology disaster regular and control trategy 论文作者杜炜平导师古德生院士学科专业岩土工程研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位中南大学学位授予日期2001 论文页码总数108页关键词隧道工程地质灾害岩爆馆藏号BSLW /2003 /U45 /1 隧道开挖灾害研究必然以地质因素为其主要研究对象。

Taking the plate tectonics as leading theories, combining outcrop, seismic techniques, drilling and logging datum, inter-verifing manifold researching methods, The paper has amply researched the region. discussed the coupling relation of basin-mountain and the geodynamics system; analyzed geologic tectonic characteristics of the basin; confirmed superposed alteration in Mesozoic of the basin; recompartmentalized tectonic units of the researching region and the basin; studied the tectonic evolution of the basin since Mesozoic; ascertained four large tectonic layers and five tectonic evolution process stages in different ways of formation and tectonic alteration; established different tectonic stages、compages、models and sedimentary filled processes, based on the organic geochemistry and oil-gas geologic characteristics in middle Cenozoic of the basin, the conclusions have been summarized in the paper, such as:The primary source rock in lower Permian and subordinate source rock in upper Triassic are developed in the region with better quality, and secondary hydrocarbon is possible; The bearing system which is comparted by three large tectonic layers and two unconformity surfaces formed in Palaeozoic、upper Palaeozoic to Triassic and Cenozoic developing in the region, compounded with reservoirs of different lithology is developed in the region, while the property of tectonic fracture reservoir is better; Based on the analyzing petroleum accumulation elements and preserving conditions, the deep depressing belt in the north of Luoyang depression、Shiling-Yiyang folded fault belt in Yiyang depression and wide anticline belt in Yichuan depression are advantageous petroliferous region, Zhaizhen anticline in Luoyang depression and Shimen wide anticline on footwall of overthrust in Yichuan depression are optimum tectonic traps.


The selection of geological prospecting in different stages(initial-prospecting, detailed-prospecting)(2)the selection of geological prospecting in the deep-laid and shallow-laid of tunnel project (3)the selection of geological prospecting of tunnel projecting in different geological conditions Finally, the author summed up main problems needing to be solved in tunnel engineering geological prospecting as follow:(1)differentiate stratum and find out the depth and thickness of different stratums in the tunnel section (2)find out geological structure and existence situation of fault, broken zone and weak plane (3)find out weathering level of bed rock to classify surrounding rock combining speed materials (4)differentiate stratum structure of the entrance of tunnel to judge the stability of it (5)find out existence situation and performance of ground water (6)situations of other harmful geological phenomenon In view of above problems and classification of surrounding rock, the author showed principles of rational choosing of methods in geological prospecting and counted disperse range of physical character parameter value in different petrosal character, getting achievements as follow:(1)summarization of effect, merits and demerits of different geological prospecting methods in the tunnel geological investigation (2)method selection and arrangement principle of tunnel engineering geological prospecting in different geological conditions and prospecting stages (3)According to previous experience and cases, the author concluded the物性parameters most in use ,and showed the basis of selecting geological prospecting methods in different geological conditions.


Three main targets in studying artificial geological process consist of the genetic course, developed laws, process consequence and formed mechanism, control technique of man-made geological process and development and exploitage technique of artificial deposits.


In order to explore the grain-size distribution characteristics and geo-genetic types of land desertification in Mo Us desert, the research on the grain-size characteristics of sediments since late Pleistocene has been carried out in the desert area and neighboring area such as inside desert, sand covered loess plateau, loess plateau and river valley. The research result shows that sediments of different geologic genetic types are the fundamental material source of sandy desertification in these areas and the distinguishing of different types of the sediments is the theoretical basis of classification of different geogenetic type of sandy desertification. The contribution of different geological roles on the land desertification and its significance to prevent and deal with the land desertification have also discussed.


This article is on the basis of the predecessors working results. After a thorough and meticulous field geological survey ,it collects a large number of geology information and researches from the regional metallogenic geological background, and focuses on the formation, structure, palaeogeographic environment and mineralization. It describes the nature of the deposit, evolution and the formation of the ancient environment,analysis of the source material,sedimentary environment, advises the genesis point of view and establishes the deposit model,studies the control factors and bauxite ore mineralization, sums up the mineralization law and suggests the favorable prospect of this area.


All of the studies in this paper, including the study of leaching behavoirs of HLW glass under repository conditions, low oxgen and multi-barrier media; the geochemical model PHREEQC used for calculating the leachate compositions and sediment phases on the glass surface; A Monte Carlo model established and used for study of leaching behavior of HLW-glass; as well as the high-temperature self-propagating synthesis used for immobilization of Sr element in perovskite synroc, are the front research works of this field in the world, and obtained some significative results in theory and practice.


To deal with the problems and present situation of field data capture by computer in geological mapping in 20 years, this paper has created PRB digital mapping techniques to standardize the digital mapping process and discussed PRB mapping technique-method system, including PRB digital mapping techniques, the model of PRB data and the related process, combinational regulations of PRB process, common mechanism and basic procedure of PRB process, data processing and dictionary of PRB, three-class PRB system,...

从近 2 0年地质填图中计算机野外数据采集技术研究的现状和存在的问题入手,在确定地质填图空间数据表达的基础上,遵循传统地质填图的规律,在不约束地质学家地质思维的前提下,既能满足计算机处理的需要,又能保证地质工作者取全、取准各项地质观测数据,在描述各类地质信息空间关系的基础上,创建了数字地质填图过程标准化和规范化的PRB数字填图技术,并对构成PRB数字填图技术、PRB数据模型、PRB基本过程、PRB基本过程组合的规则、PRB过程的公共机制、PRB过程基本程式、PRB数据操作、PRB字典、三级PRB体系、PRB数据流&栈&、PRB数据质量定量评价体系的PRB数字填图技术与方法体系进行了讨论。

Thirdly, it analyzes and studies in detail Surpac mechanism and the relevant concepts on constructing the model of mineral deposits and mining engineering systems according to the modeling procedure and the actual conditions of Jinchuan"s mines. Based on these:Lit points out some differences between the western countries and China in the practice of the geological data record, explores the inputting data on computers performed by more people at the same time and the method to improve constructing the data-base and finished the data-base of Jinchuan mineral deposits;2.It puts forward the steps and flow chart to construct the solid model and brings forward the scheme of "first individual then whole to set up Jinchuan mineral deposits geological model, summarizes some experiences for constructing the complicated geological ore body of the high accuracy: add control lines, add auxiliary demarcation lines +control lines, the operation of intersection, cross and incorporation between solid bodies and plane and section combination. The above-mentioned methods applied to construct the mineral deposits solid models of four mine areas in Jinchuan; 3.lt studies and presents the detailed flow chart of constructing block and grade model, analyses the workable scheme in setting up the block and grade model of main ore body for Jinchuan mineral deposits and also sets it up.


In August that year, the 32nd International Geological Congress was convened in Florence, Italy. Oral presentations and posters made by hundreds of geologists and geopark administrators from scores of countries of five continents demonstrated the current situation of geoheritage conservation, geoscientific researches on geoheritages, public education, methods and technology of protection, the relations of geoheritages with cultural heritages, with development and planning of cities and regions, and with the development of tourism, the relations between geoparks and national parks, the prospects of geoparks in Europe, America, Africa, Australia and Asia etc.


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