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与 研究员 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They confirm what a number of itamin D proponents hae suspected for some time but that, until now, hae not been substantiated through clinical trial," said principal inestigator Joan Lappe, Ph.D., R.N., Creighton professor of medicine and holder of the Criss/Beirne Endowed Chair in the School of Nursing."

它们解开了许多维生素D支持者曾经对其产生的怀疑,直到现在,其效果终于得到了临床验证,&该研究的首席研究员Joan Lappe博士说。他是Creighton的医学教授、护理学院Criss/Beirne资助教授的获得者。&

Yasufuku died 16 years ago. The researchers at Kinki University and Gifu's livestock research institute said they had cloned four Yasufuku calves between November 2007 and July 2008, although two of them died afterward.


One of the most interesting analyses I have heard is from Adam Posen, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington, and one of the few people who can claim to be an expert on both countries.

我听到的最有意思的分析,来自华盛顿彼得森国际经济研究所(Institute for International Economics)高级研究员亚当·普森。他也是为数不多在这两个国家问题上都堪称专家的人之一。

Pelle Ahlerup is an economics researcher at Sweden's University of Gothenburg.

Pelle Ahlerup 是一位瑞典 Gothenburg 大学的经济学研究员

A ustralian mysteries researcher Rex Gilroy records an intriguing tale allegedly from 1933 that reportedly involved an aboriginal woman in a UFO abduction experience at the isolated locality of Discovery Well, on the northern edge of the Great Sandy Desert, in Western Australia.

阿 ustralian奥秘研究员獭吉尔罗伊记录一个耐人寻味的故事据称从1933年,据说涉及原住民女子飞碟绑架的经验,发现个别地方啊,在北部边缘的大沙质荒漠,在澳大利亚西部。

He worked as a researcher for James Tobin, a Nobel laureate in economics, became president of Phi Beta Kappa (an organisation with the motto "the love of learning is the guide of life") and was admitted to the secretive Order of Skull and Bones.

在那,他为诺贝尔经济学获奖者詹姆士托宾当过研究员,做过优等生荣誉会 phi Beta Kappa 的主席(该组织座右铭是&哲学是生命的引导&),并加入秘密精英社团骷髅会。

From 1995 to 1999, he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ.

从1999年开始,在依利诺斯大学芝加哥分校电机与计算机工程系工作,先后任该校助教授、终身职副教授、电机与计算机工程系和计算机科学系的终身职正教授。2005年,因在非线性动态系统和递归神经网络方面作出的贡献被选为IEEE Fellow.2008年,入选中国科学院&百人计划&在自动化研究所任研究员

Researchers in the United States have developed one for Newcastle disease in chickens, but so far there are no products for humans.


The researchers used a new way to measure forest resources.


Not having the nearby support of fellow model engineers, clubs or even the ready availability of many publications to help him, Iqbal has developed his skills all on his own.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
