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与 研究员 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Professor Charles Wortmann, one of the Nebraska researchers, notes that the plants also reseed themselves.


Bruce Riedel was special assistant to President Clinton for Near East and South Asia Affairs then and is now Senior Fellow at the Saban Center in the Brookings Institution.


One analyst says Google is well on its way to establishing itself as the first port of call for academic researchers, although it does not yet represent a threat to Reed Elsevier's Scopus, a full text-linking abstract and indexing database.

一位分析师表示,Google正使自己成为学术研究员首先光顾的地方,虽然它尚未对Reed Elsevier开发的 Scopus构成威胁。Scopus是一个完整的文本链接摘要和索引数据库。

The result of secale cereale C-band research by different researchers is the same by large, but there are also a few differences.


"We're not saying that people should stop eating beef, and it's particularly important in pregnancy that women get enough protein," said study lead author Shanna Swan, associate chairwoman for research and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Rochester N.Y.

&我们并不是在说人们应该停止吃牛肉,而且女性在孕期得到足够的蛋白质是非常重要的,&罗彻斯特大学医学和口腔医学院妇产科学教授,研究的女性副主席,首席研究员Shanna Swan说。

While Nick is a fan of more showboating singers like fellow boy-bander-turned-solo-star Justin Timberlake, he cited the toned-down Sade as the inspiration for his show.


Stevan Harrellis Professor of Anthropology at the University of Washington. He has been conducting research and directing students in Liangshan since the late 1980s.


In the nineteen nineties, Gebisa Ejeta and another Purdue researcher, Larry Butler, identified the complex relationships between Striga and sorghum plants.

19世纪90年代, Gebisa Ejet 和另一个珀杜的研究员赖瑞巴特勒,证实了蛀槽和高粱作物的复杂关系。

The research of Doctor Li Hongye, associate director of Healthy Birth Research Institute and researcher of USA Houston Medical Center, certified that intelligence, emotion and constitution in biothythm are the same with backbone of intelligence, emotion and constitution of human beings; the backbones of both two are located in the upper part of thalamencephalon in the brains; the periods of change are the same.


Suzanne Tindal, ZDNet Australia Although privacy concerns have been aired over passports being RFID-tagged, let alone people, according to the report by RFID researcher ID TechEx, people should ...

苏珊tindal , ZDNet澳大利亚分部虽然隐私问题已播出过的护照被RFID标签,更遑论人,据该份报告由RFID的研究员编号techex ,人们应该。。。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
