英语人>网络例句>研究员 相关的搜索结果


与 研究员 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dr. Lisa Newman, a doctor of Naturopathy with a PhD in holistic nutrition has seen an increase of irritable bowel syndrome, digestive problems and immuno-related weaknesses in animals fed a raw diet on a daily basis.

Dr。 Lisa Newman(Lisa博士,一个自然疗法研究员)指出,从营养学的角度来说,把喂生肉当做是基本的食谱里的成份喂给动物吃,无疑是增加了他们肠胃等消化系统的负担。

Researchers had known the cluster was encountering a gas cloud, because off striking nebulosity that envelopes the cluster?


His parents feared he was setting himself up for failure and asked him to check with his doctors, neuropsychologist Dustin Gordon, then a post-doctoral fellow, and his supervisor, Schretlen.

他的父母担心他无法面的失败,就让他咨询他的神经心理学医生--Dustin Gordon,然后和他的同伴--一位博士后研究员以及他的导师-- Schretlen,一起商量。

The photoes were sent to Dr. Jiang Zhi-Gang and Senior Researcher Xu Yang-Gong, Academia Sinica, and Mr. Li Guo-Cheng, a bird expert of Hong Kong Jiadaoli Farm and Botanic Garden, the heron was identified to be White-eared Night Heron by the experts.


Moreover, many dietary supplement manufacturers are working with NIH researchers and on their own smaller clinical studies.


"Our research suggests that suicidal thoughts and behaviors are more common than one might think, and also that key risk factors for these behaviors are quite consistent across many different countries around the world," said Harvard University researcher Matthew Nock, whose study appears in the British Journal of Psychiatry.

英国精神病学杂志上刊登了哈佛大学研究员Matthew Nock的研究,他说"我们的研究发现自杀的想法和行为比我们想要的要普遍的多,并且,这些行为的关键危险因素在世界上不同国家是十分一致的。"

In addition to being a Fellow of the Noetic Sciences Institute, Helen has been recognized with numerous academic awards.


Michael Levi is the Senior Fellow for energy and environment at the nonpartisan private research group the Council on Foreign Relations.


In recognition of his development of the technology , Gallas portrait will be permanently displayed in the organization's boardroom in Wildon , Austria , alongside those of science and technology trailblazers such as marine researcher Jacques Cousteau . A nonprofit group , Mare Nostrum has been acknowledging innovators for the past 150 years .


In the 1940s,researchers simplified the programming process by developing notational systems by which instruction could be represented in mnemonic rather than numeric form.

在40 年代,编程研究员开发了一种能简化编程过程的系统,它用符号体系来存储程序,而不用数字编码存储。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
