- 与 研究 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The development of Chinese herbal medicine is one of main methods for peasants to increase income in the eastern mountain area of Liaoning.The main medicinal plants in Liaoning Province are schisandra,asarum,dioscorea, panax,gentiana,aconitum,fritillaria,lilium,astragalus,saposhnikovia,atractylodes,polygonatum, clematis,dictamnus,etc.The soils of nearly 20 species of the medicinal plant were studied in this paper.The differences among different medicinal plants were analyzed.The species and quantity of fungi,bacteria and antinomycete in soil of medicinal plants were clear.With the pathogen of main diseases of medicinal plants as target,the strains in the control of pathogen were screened from soil of medicinal plants.
Based on the dynamic equation, the transport and acceleration of out-flowing ionospheric ions in the magnetosphere are studied by means of finding the ion distribution function. They include two parts: the study of static ion distribution with analysis and numerical compute; the study of ion acceleration by induced electric feild in the period of dipolarization of taillike geomagnetic lines in the substorm expansion phase with the numerical simulation of the ion distribution function.
Documental study after liberation can be classified in three sections:theoretical study,clinical study and laboratory study.
Documental study after liberation can be classified in three sections:theoretical study,clinical study and laboratorystudy.
According to the methodology of study on effective constituents in traditional Chinese drugs,the dynamitic course of basic chemical constituents of effective substance of Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae after oral administration has been revealed.
The basic academic direction of the institute is: to take the law study of Weihaiwei as starting points, then study the law culture issues along the China coast at the colonialism time, so form " the Easternism" opinion gradually in the research course and participate in the science dialogue about "the globalization"issue; to regard the common law's propagation as its duty and probe into the modernization road of the Chinese legal construction.
We organized and identified the specimens which collected in the insects specimens laboratory of life science and technology department of Xinjiang university, from almost everywhere of Xinjiang with combination of the conventional methods and the electroscopic scanning technique.
本文采用常规鉴定方法与雄性外生殖器解剖相结合,辅以扫描电镜观察,对收藏于新疆大学生命科学与技术学院昆虫室20年来积累的标本及三年在校期间系统地采集于全疆各地的拟步甲类标本进行了整理与鉴定,结合野外考察及重要类群的生物学研究,研究其区系成份,并对其区系特征及地理分布状况进行了系统的分析,主要研究成果如下:1)初步查明新疆拟步甲科昆虫共计266种,分隶于23族72属,其中35种为中国新记录种,3种为拟步甲类新种,作新种记述,并附图片;在研究过程中初步探讨了拟步甲的中文命名问题; 2)新疆拟步甲种类繁多,其区系成分分析显示,除12种为广布种以外,共有6种区系成分,其中中亚细亚种为最多,有87种,占已种的32.7﹪;其次依次为中央亚细亚种和特有种,分别为81种和65种,各占已知种类的30.5﹪和24.4﹪;泛古北种12种,占4.5﹪;欧洲西伯利亚种7种,占2.6﹪;欧洲中亚种最少,仅有2种,占0.75﹪,并根据新疆拟步甲科昆虫区系成分分析了其起源问题; 3)新疆拟步甲科昆虫的地理分布表明,分布于准噶尔盆地的种类最为丰富,计161种,占新疆已知种的60.5﹪;其次是塔里木盆地92种,占已知种的34.6﹪;东疆诸盆地63种,占23.7﹪;伊犁谷地56种,占21.1﹪;在三大山系中,天山山系的拟步甲种类最多,为54种,占20.3﹪;阿尔泰山山系28种,占10.5﹪;昆仑山山系13种,占4.9﹪。
Explores what is challenged now concerning the empirical turn of the philosophy of technology in view of the cause and effect of the development of cultural criticism on technology The classical cultural criticism on technology is discussed through an analysis made for the contradiction between Heidegger's phenomenological standpoint based on existentialism and his hermeneutic methodology taken for studying the philosophy of technology Then, the inexhaustiveness of empiristic methodology that is currently prevailing in cultural study on technology is discussed further to expound the necessity for "embodying" as an empiristic methodology to study the technological culture The way to spread over the embodying in technological study is therefore taken into account to deepen the empirical turn of philosophy of technology
A framework that is epistemologically tolerant enough to bring together scholarship based upon different philosophies of knowledge can provide an ethical relationship among all the knowledge of different nature.
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- 推荐网络例句
But we don't care about Battlegrounds.
Ah! don't mention it, the butcher's shop is a horror.
Tristan, I have nowhere to send this letter and no reason to believe you wish to receive it.
Tristan ,我不知道把这信寄到哪里,也不知道你是否想收到它。