英语人>网络例句>石膏粉 相关的搜索结果


与 石膏粉 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

XZM Ultrafine mill is a machine for producing fineness and ultra-powder. It is mainly used for grinding the materials whose hardness is middle and low, moisture below 6%, and Moths hardness should be blow 9 grade and non-explosion and non-flammability, such as: calcite, chalk, limestone, dolomite, kaolin, bentonite, steatite, mica, magnesite, illite, pyrophillite, vermiculite, meerschaum, attapulgite, diatomite, barite, gypsum, alunite, graphite, fluorite, phosphate ore, potassium ore pumice, etc.

XZM 中速微粉磨是一种细粉及超细粉的加工设备,它主要适用于中、低硬度物料的研磨粉碎,如高岭土、石灰石、方解石、滑石、大理石、重晶石、石膏、白垩、白云石、膨润土、云母、菱镁矿、伊利石、叶腊石、蛭石、海泡石、凹凸棒石、累托石、硅藻土、石墨、明矾石、萤石、磷矿石、钾矿石、浮石等湿度小于6%,莫氏硬度在9级以下非易燃易爆的非金属物料。

They are cement, quartz, feldspar, calcite, gypsum, limestone, dolomite, graphite, fluorite, aedelforsite, phosphate ore, fused calcium magnesium phosphate, carbamide , electrolytic manganese metal, ferromanganese, coal, gangue, slag, zirconium, steatite, granite, orthoclase, marble, barites, ceramics, glass, etc.


The Company has six professional production line, specializing in the production of architectural coatings, plastic construction 108/801, interface agent, putty powder, caulking plaster, wall plaster, crystal porcelain, mortar series.


Use of new materials, new technology, the new formula, successfully developed a drug-free imports of polymer materials, gypsum-based environmental campaign joints powder, Goufeng powder, putty powder, fill our decorating materials sector a big blank, And adopted the designated testing organizations detection, green building materials obtained state certification.


Company main products are: K-type separator, O-Sepa Separator, Combined Separator, coal grinding Dynamic Separator, Separator dedicated slag, fly ash dedicated separator, the Kowloon-Tian Dryer, pulse bag filter offline, brick-concrete structure bag filter, the new line pulse jet bag filter, as well as other types of large bags and electrostatic dust removal equipment, such as 6 big series more than 100 varieties, has to assume "15" provincial IT industry research and a national innovation fund projects the province of major scientific and technological achievements into a project by the national key new products, a provincial high-tech products 8, the Provincial Torch Plan 2, with 46 patents, including one for the International Invention, these sophisticated, applicable technology and equipment have been for the Conch Group, the Landscape Group, Huaxin Group, Yifeng Yancheng, Tianrui Group, Yatai Group, Jinding Group, an Ha Group Jiangsu Yangtze River, Lei Group, Vietnam Yaguang, Bangladesh Shillong, etc.


The results show that adding water reducer on gypsum before grinding gypsum can cause good grindingaid effect and improve remarkably the dispersing and fluidity of gypsum plaster.


The product changed the traditional reliance on a single pillowúàgrinding gypsum traditional technique, the use of gypsum plaster powder liner with 12 kinds of precious Chinese herbs combined with juice madeí, so let the drug long-term preservation of the pillow inside.


Raymond Mill powder machine, Jiangya Mill, superfine powder mill, applicable to calcite, limestone, barite, potassium feldspar, marble, talcum, Ying Shek, the activated carbon, bentonite, high-ling soil, Phosphate rock, gypsum, manganese ore, perovskite, coal, refractory materials, such as quartz stone, the hardness of not more than seven, six percent humidity in the following non-flammable and explosive goods milling processing, production of Mian Shaozhuan - Complete sets of equipment, can produce standard Shi Xinzhuan, Groove hollow bricks and tiles, is the promotion of national technology projects.


Raymond Mill powder machine, Jiangya Mill, superfine powder mill, applicable to calcite, limestone, barite, potassium feldspar, marble, talcum, Ying Shek, the activated carbon, bentonite, high-ling soil, phosphate rock , Gypsum, manganese ore, perovskite, coal, refractory materials, such as quartz stone, the hardness of not more than seven, six percent humidity in the following non-flammable and explosive goods milling processing, and production of complete sets of Mianshaozhuanji Equipment, can produce standard Shi Xinzhuan, Groove hollow bricks and tiles, is the promotion of national technology projects.


This too was doctored — with plaster of Paris to take away the blueness, starch and eggs to thicken it and molasses to give it the buttercup hue of honest Orange County milk.

这种物质同样被处理:用石膏粉去除蓝色,用淀粉和鸡蛋来提高富含程度,再用糖浆调成从Orange County生产的鲜奶所具有的毛茛色。

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We don t expect students to be sponges. You can t expect to absorb everything and not have any questions to ask.


He built the "airport for no one"—a boondoggle that made his commute to Washington, DC, a lot easier but was otherwise a huge waste of money.
