英语人>网络例句>短路的 相关的搜索结果


与 短路的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The influence of battery formula and technology parameter on the safety performance of mercury-free alkaline Zn/MnO2 button cell was explored. Short circuit test and overdischarge test were used to study the safety performance of battery produced with varied formula and technology parameter. The factors affecting the safety performance of battery were studied. The optimal technology parameters are confirmed as follows: capacity ratio of anode to cathode is 0.91, KOH electrolyte content is 43%, content of Zn22- dissolved in KOH electrolyte is 7%, content of ZnO added in zinc gel is 0.8%1.0%, content of electrolyte added in zinc gel is 40%42%, content of binder added in zinc gel is 1% and the mass ratio of polyacrylate sodium to polyacrylic acid is 64, content of inhibitor added in zinc gel is 0.01%.

摘 要:探讨电池配方和工艺参数对无汞扣式碱锰电池安全性能的影响,采用短路测试和过放电测试的方法研究各种工艺配方下电池的安全性能,通过实验研究了影响电池安全性能的各种因素,并确定最佳的工艺参数分别如下:负极与正极容量配比为0.91,KOH电解液浓度为43%,电解液中氧化锌的含量为7%,锌膏中的氧化锌用量为0.8%~1.0%,锌膏中电解液用量为锌粉量的40%~42%,锌膏中增稠剂用量为锌粉量的1%且其中聚丙烯酸钠与聚丙烯酸的质量比为64,锌膏中缓蚀剂用量为锌粉量的0.01%。

6 Batteries, as described in 4.25.10, and battery chargers.(1) Battery connectors must be constructed of material with a V-0 flame rating or have a glow wire ignition rating of 750°C.(2) The battery charging system shall not present a risk of fire due to a short-circuit condition applied to any point in the length of a charger/battery interconnecting cable when tested inaccordance with 8.19.7.(3) During charging, battery-charging voltages shall not exceed the recommended charging voltages when tested in accordance with 8.19.6.(4) Battery chargers must be certified to the appropriate current national standard, for example UL, CSA, or equivalent standards body. 8.19.6 Battery Overcharge Test—Each battery shall be charged with its intended charger continuously for 336 h. The test shall not result in the release of electrolyte, or cause explosion or fire. If the battery can be charged in the vehicle, place the battery in the vehicle and connect it to the charging circuit. Drape the charger, cable, and battery with a double layer of cheesecloth. The test shall not result in ignition of the cheesecloth or in the release of electrolyte. 电池(如4.25.10中的描述)和充电器(1)电池的连接器必须是使用UL94V0防火等级的材料做成的,或使用燃点为750度的发热线(2)按照8.19.7测试时,当在充电器和电池间的导线上的任意一点发生短路时,电池充电系统不允许出现着火的危险(3)充电时,按照8.19.6的测试方法,充电电压不允许超过推荐的充电电压(4)电池充电器必须通过相应的现行国家标准的认证,比如UL,CSA或等同的标准机构 8.19.6电池过充测试---每个电池都需要采用其默认的充电器连续充电336小时,测试不允许导致电极的泄露,导致爆炸或火灾若电池可以在交通工具上使用时,将电池放到交通工具上,并将之与充电电路连接起来,用双层粗棉布将充电器,连接线和电池遮挡起来。

From the burden increased aspect clarify set upthe necessity of station, then pass to drew up to set up generalizeof transformer substation and line direction to consider, and passto analysis of carry the data, safety, economic and dependableconsider and made sure the 110 kV, 35 kV, 10 kV and station useelectricity of lord connect line, then again through burdencalculation and power supply scope made sure main number, capacityand model number of the transformer set, also in the meantime makesure the station uses capacity and model number of transformer,end, according to biggest keep on work electric current and shortcircuit calculating of calculation result, to the high pressureRong break a machine, insulate a switch, female line, insulate sonand wear a wall set tube, electric voltage with each other feelingmachine, electric current with each other the feeling machinecarried on choose a type, thus completed a 110 kV electricity apart of design.

本文首先根据任务书上所给系统与线路及所有负荷的参数,分析负荷发展趋势。从负荷增长方面阐明了建站的必要性,然后通过对拟建变电站的概括以及出线方向来考虑,并通过对负荷资料的分析,安全,经济及可靠性方面考虑,确定了110kV ,35kV ,10kV 以及站用电的主接线,然后又通过负荷计算及供电范围确定了主变压器台数,容量及型号,同时也确定了站用变压器的容量及型号,最后,根据最大持续工作电流及短路计算的计算结果,对高压熔断器,隔离开关,母线,绝缘子和穿墙套管,电压互感器,电流互感器进行了选型,然后进行配电装置和平面布置的设计以及防雷的设计,从而完成了110kV 电气一次部分的设计。

Through the medium of designing and reckoning the electric main connection, designing and counting house supply, counting short-circuit current, selecting and verifying electrical equipment as well as designing switching arrangement, it have accomplished the design of the primary distribution system of the (110KV)substation that have been given.


Through the medium of designing and reckoning the electric main connection, designing and counting house supply, counting short-circuit current, selecting and verifying electrical equipment as well as designing switching arrangement, it have accomplished the design of (4×125MW)condensing power station' electric once segmental that have been given.


Adopting multiplexing technique and making use of communication line between CSC and CS to achieve simultaneous transmission of ISDN signal and electric power. According to the variation of circuit equivalent resistance to design detection circuit, which can judge that the line is short circuit or open circuit and the commercial power is working normally or failure. When the reserve power supply is working, the system judges its operation status by voltage and current detection circuit. Making use of the characteristic of the gas discharge tube to achieve suspension system detection of power line touching. Transmitting information collected up to PC by RS485 for the purpose of centralized monitoring.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
