- 与 眼窝 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Just once lick is enough to stimulate the orbitofrontal cortex, the main processing area and the part of the brain associated with the pleasures of sex and eating.
After anterior orbitotomy exploration, dacryocystectomy and tumor excision were performed.
Periorbital xanthogranuloma arising in adult is so rare that only few cases had been reported.
Dult-onset periorbital xanthogranuloma is a rare disease and may be accompanied with systemic involvement, hematological abnormalities or malignancy.
bstract 成年性旁眼窝黄色肉芽肿是一种罕见的疾病,可能伴随著其它的恶性肿瘤,血液学方面的异常,或是为全身性侵犯的一部份。
Adult-onset periorbital xanthogranuloma is a rare disease and may be accompanied with systemic involvement, hematological abnormalities or malignancy.
Compared with the gold standard of clinical diagnosis by a pediatric neurologist who had not seen the pictures,headache drawings depicting pounding pain, nausea or vomiting, recumbency, periorbital pain, photophobia, or visual scotoma had a sensitivity of 93.1%, a specificityof 82.7%, and a positive predictive value of 87.1% formigraine.
The computed tomography scan showed a retrobulbar mass in the medial orbit.
Computed tomography revealed the presence of sinusitis involving the maxillary and ethmoid sinuses and two large subperiosteal abscesses in left orbit.
AIM: To discuss the operative opportunity and surgical approach on patient with eyeball atrophy and complicated fracture of orbital maxillary zygomatic caused by severe eyeball rupture to solve eyesocked depression, face abnormality or restriction on opening of mouth on wounded side and trismus and so on caused by above reason.
目的:探讨重度眼球破裂伤后眼球萎缩合并眼眶—上颌骨—颧骨(orbital maxillary zygomatic OMZ)骨折手术时机及手术方式,解决由于上述原因所致的眼窝凹陷,伤侧面部畸形,开口受限等。
Eight growing New Zealand albino rabbits, each right orbital bone fragment which contained a viscerocranial suture was removed, and PTFE (expanded polytetrafluorethylene) was applied as a substitute for the orbital bone defect in four rabbits, six months later, each skull was macerated for cephalometry and radiological craniometry and histological examination.
- 推荐网络例句
They weren't aggressive, but I yelled and threw a rock in their direction to get them off the trail and away from me, just in case.
In slot 2 in your bag put wrapping paper, quantity does not matter in this case.
Store this product in a sealed, lightproof, dry and cool place.