英语人>网络例句>眼下 相关的搜索结果


与 眼下 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From what I understand, they didn't want to sound uncertain on draft night, since that's a typical Clippers reaction. This is a very important time for them in terms of season ticket renewals, which is why they had that kneejerk reaction.


Leastways, if you don't, I do; and I wait here - and I'm still your cap'n, mind - till you outs with your grievances, and I reply, in the meantime, your black spot aint worth a biscuit.


Leastways, if you dont, I do; and I wait here - and Im still your capn, mind - till you outs with your grievances, and I reply, in the meantime, your black spot aint worth a biscuit.


You may slide over the p rob lem now, but I'm quite sure it will crop up again one day.


But the BBC now treats licence fee funding as an end rather than a means.


This is going to see your love life take on a force of its own.


"While most game shows measure how smart you are, this is a show that will measure how dumb you are," said Peter Liguori, Fox entertainment president.


Moreover we hold a large estate by the banks of the river Xanthus, fair with orchard lawns and wheat-growing land; it becomes us, therefore, to take our stand at the head of all the Lycians and bear the brunt of the fight, that one may say to another, Our princes in Lycia eat the fat of the land and drink best of wine, but they are fine fellows; they fight well and are ever at the front in battle.

这一切表明,我们负有责任,眼下要站在鲁基亚人的前面,经受战火的炙烤。这样,某个身披重甲的鲁基亚战士便会如此说道: '他们确实非同一般,这些个统治着鲁基亚,统治着我们的王者,没有白吃肥嫩的羊肉,白喝醇香的美酒――他们的确勇力过人,战斗在鲁基亚人的前列。

Right now, even people who don't know who Elle Macpherson is have heard of Sarah Palin.

眼下,即使那些不晓得Elle Macpherson的人也久闻Sarah Palin的大名了。

It was for "maman."


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
