英语人>网络例句>真挚 相关的搜索结果


与 真挚 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

134"Students should be encouraged to realize that mental agility and rhetorical skill must be accompanied by sincerity and the true conviction of their own beliefs."


And it is a real blessing welded wire mesh to others.


These Games were monumentally important to the host nation, which happens to be home to 1/5 of humanity. All that said, just as these Olympics were significant politically, they were also very significant competitively.


This he stated most movingly in dedicating the military cemetery at Gettysburg:"that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain--that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."


The present that stands for sincerity and honesty is an ornament of ordinary life, which fills the gaps of sentiment and elimi-nates the suspicion between hearts.


He is not necessarily the person you love, but he will be your most sincere friend.


In china, we give newly-married couples the most sincere blessing and presents.


In china, Best blessing and present for the newly-married couple.


In China,we give elaborate gifts and heartily wishes to the newly-married couples.


What a pleasure that so many friends and relatives send their sincere greeting to newlywed .


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
