英语人>网络例句>省的 相关的搜索结果


与 省的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

VICTORIA, British Columbia — Only one person - a trainee - was on the bridge when the ferry Queen of the North crashed last year, and as the ship sank off the British Columbia coast she told the others that shared her life raft:"It was not my fault, I was left alone," BC Ferries says in a new report.


And though the impracticability of executing the law has caused its repeal in several of the States which had adopted it, including the one from which it derives its name, an attempt has notwithstanding been commenced, and is prosecuted with considerable zeal by many of the professed philanthropists, to agitate for a similar law in this country.


Dashiqiao produced soybean paste, soy sauce, vinegar, mirin four series-based condiment and oil processing products, has become covered by the northeast, north and northwest China provinces and cities in 25 markets leading brands, many times by the country, provinces and municipalities as the famous brand products, rest assured that the food, the Trade and Industry Bureau for seven consecutive yearscontracts and keep promise in enterprises, the first national brewing soy sauce, vinegar QS safe production of the country permits, the full adoption of the ISO9001: 2000 international quality management system certification.


According to the representation of research results, the instructional activities designed by students responded the meanings of gender equity and the integrated into instructional practices on the dimensions of theory, development, and practical reflection, but there were more distances between their instructional practices and ideal gender equity framework. Their practices lacked the self-consciousness and empowerment for young children to understand and construct their gender equity consciousness, and dominated by traditional gender culture. It also was short of high level thinking and examining gender praxis for young children.


Athelets of Hunan province are qualified for competing in 9 different competions. Li Shun, the director of provincial athelet bearu, said to reporters,"We have a dozen of athelets forOlympic Games this time. They are experienced athelets, and they will strive to win. We hope them to achieve great results and don't let Hunanese down."


The data indicate, the hypernormal development of higher education of Jiangsu was mainly promoted by the development of the university under the province, catch educational resource is it keep the balance or slightly increase basically to supply in the course of developing educational capital source except that the government puts one's back into and the undertaking charge, the bank loan has played an important role.


According to popular tradition than name Ourense is derived from the Hot springs that can be found there and much loved by the Romans who called the town Aquae Urentes warm waters .


The financial relationship between each level of the local government has not compartmentalized definitly.


The smooth development of brand strategy, to elevate the "green cleaning","Poseidon","Keke" brand products in the consumer mind status, provincial salt industry company's "Green Salt" series of products are exported to Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi and other provinces and Japan and other countries.


Until fairly recently, the only way to extract pure copper from ore was by using a process that requires large amounts of electric energy, especially if the proportion of copper in the ore is low.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
