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与 省的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thousands of curious onlookers and former rebel soldiers swarmed the provincial capital of Banda Aceh to witness Hasan di Tiro's historic return.


Peak pedal board the two provinces can also enjoy the taste,(plum off a three-year guerrilla war, Marshal Chen Yi, where the famous "Merlin three chapters of" from here), deepest winter season is the best naz.


In addition, it is also advisable as an extra precaution, and whenever convenient, to increase the depth of the Bust dart (by 50%) for very cut-away necklines in order to tighten their edge even more than dose the normal shoulder dart.


We pray particularly for members of the Evangelical Church of West Africa in Kano State after authorities have demanded they vacate their church building for a token amount of money as an Islamic school is being built in its place.

我们特别为 Kano省的西非宣道教会祷告,因为当地的执政掌权者用极少的钱,要求他们搬离教会的建筑物,因当地正建造一所伊斯兰教学校。

Diversity of endophytic fungi in leaves of Ginkgo biloba was studied in order to understand diversity state and succession change of endophytic fungal communities in this endemic plant. Healthy leaf samples were collected from five main planting locations of G. biloba in Jiangsu and Shandong provinces separately in spring, summer and autumn.


Diversity of endophytic fungi in leaves of Ginkgo biloba was studied in order to understand diversity state and succession change of endophytic fungal communities in this endemic plant. Healthy leaf samples were collected from five main planting locations of G. biloba in Jiangsu and Shandong provinces separately in spring, summer and autumn.

摘 要:为了解我国特有植物银杏的叶部组织中内生真菌菌群的多样性和演替变化,分别于春、夏、秋季从江苏和山东两省的五个主要银杏栽培地采集健康叶片进行了内生真菌的研究。

17 545 suhjects aged 45 and above were selected from the data of"2002 China National Nutrition Survey"according to their dietary habit and regional distribution character,who were from southeast seaside,southwest inland and mid inland,including 23 provinces.We analyzed the difference of dietary pattern between the group of hypercholesterolaemia and the group of normal TC level.We also analyzed the dietary effect factors by logistic regress model.

利用2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查的资料,根据区域分布特点和饮食习惯,抽取东南沿海地区、西南内陆地区和中部内陆地区共23个省的45岁及以上人群17 545名,分析高TC血症和TC正常组的膳食模式差异,并采用logistic回归分析模型分析高TC血症的膳食影响因素。

The presents, says Mr Ndebele, a decent former premier of KwaZulu-Natal, were a sign of appreciation from some 30,000 small contractors who had taken part in a road-construction training and development programme he set up in the province in 1996 to boost jobs and promote the policy of "black economic empowerment" in poor communities.


The presents, says Mr Ndebele, a decent former premier of KwaZulu-Natal, were a sign of appreciation from some 30,000 small contractors who had taken part in a road-construction training and development programme he set up in the province in 1996 to boost jobs and promote the policy of "black economic empowerment" in poor communities.


With the rapid improvement of people's living standards and the continuous advancement of the hospitalization insurance system reform , the needs of the commercial health insurance are growing more and more large.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
