- 与 直径的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Both break through the rules which request that the bore diameter should be bigger than the steel bar diameter trebly or not smaller than the steel bar diameter adding 50mm.
The following are the expressions for the mean pressure set up at the detection plate and for the time of the signal to progagate from the radiator to the detector:这里是1个公式,省略) where Re is the real part of the expression appearing within the braces, 0 is the density of the medium, vo is the amplitude of the vibrational velocity, c is the speed of sound in the medium, d2 = I +(r/zcos 8, z is the distance between the emitting and receiving plates, B is the angle between the axis of the acoustic channel and the axis of the tube, r = vro/c, v is the flow speed of the fluid, d is the diameter of the pipe, m is the circular frequency, k is the wave number, where a is the radius of the plate (this is taken as the same for the emitting and receiving plates for simplicity, but there is no difficulty in discussing plates differ~mg in radii),,~ is the vibrational frequency of the emitting plate, and The triple sums in the expressions for N~ and N2 may be neglected if the flow speed is low, since the contributions for these become negligible.
以下的表情为代表的压力设置在检测板甲,手持骑枪和时间的信号 progagate从散热器排出到检测器(这里是1个公式、省略)。在什么地方才是真正的出现在背带,表现为0密度的吗当时的媒介的振幅振动速度、c是声音的速度中、d2 =我+ r / z,8、z是距离的发射和接收板、B之间的角度对声信道和轴轴管,r = vro / c,v的流体的流动速率公式,d 管直径的圆频率,m,凯西是波数公式* n,一个是半径的板(这是作为相同的发射和接收吗为了简单,但板板是毫无困难地讨论不同半径)、镁-,~的振动频率的发光,。总结了三倍的表达方式和N2 ~能忽略的流量速度低,因为这些变得微不足道的贡献。
It is shown that the mechanical properties including Young's modulus, tensile strength, critical strain and stress under buckling can be enhanced with the decreasing of intershell spacing. The shear strength can be enhanced by 2-3 orders of magnitude when the intershell spacing is reduced to 20%, which is also dependent on commensuration. Zigzag-type carbon nanotubes have higher shear strength. The axial stress in tubes when the load transferring from outmost tube to inner tube is observed as well.
The prior cycles with higher axial stress and larger strain range greatly restrains ratchetting strain of subsequent cycling with lower ones. Creep behavior plays an important role in the ratchetting strain and its influence on ratchetting behavior can not be neglected. Fracture morphology characteristics of two kinds of materials were investigated by scanning electron microscope. It shows that failure of material A is induced by cavitation and that of material B is induced by decohesion. For material A, with the decreasing strain amplitude the fracture surface shows more larger diameter globular particles under uniaxial loading and can be seen more obvious and deep crack under multiaxial loading. However for material B, with the decreasing strain amplitude fracture surface shows larger and larger scalelike shape and becomes more smooth under uniaxial loading, but fracture surface under multiaxial loading looks like more smooth than that of uniaxial loading, and shows gradually wave-like morphology.
In the single crystal of C60 with a FCC structure,positron mainly appears outside the C60 molecule.The main annihilation space is the interspace between molecules.The calculated positron bulk lifetime in C60 is 352ps, which agrees with experiment value of 356ps in literature.In carbon nanotube bundles with different dimeters,as the diameter of carbon nanotubes increases,the main space where positron appears changes from the interspace of carbon tubes to the space inside carbon tubes,the radio between positron annihilation with valence eletrons and core eletrons becomes larger,the positron bulk lifetime in carbon nanotube increase rapidly first and come to be a constant at the end.The calculated positron lifetime of carbon nanotube with a dimeter of 0.8~1.6ns is 332~470ps,which agrees with the experiment value of 394ps.Positron annihilation has been studied in widly used compound semiconductors.
计算结果表明:在片层结构的石墨晶体中,正电子主要在石墨层间的空隙中湮没,计算出的石墨中的正电子寿命为208 pS,与文献中的实验结果215 ps符合很好;在金刚石单晶中,正电子主要在碳原子之间的空隙中存在并发生湮没,计算出的金刚石中的正电子寿命为115 ps,文献中的实验结果110 ps左右符合;在面心立方结构的C60晶体中,正电子主要在C60分子球壳内外侧及分子之间存在,C60球形分子中心正电子分布很少,正电子的湮没区域集中在C60分子之间的空隙区域,计算出的C60中的正电子寿命为352 ps与文献中的实验结果356ps相符合;对于不同管径碳米管束中的正电子分布,随着碳纳米管直径的增加,碳纳米管束中的正电子由主要在碳纳米管管间的区域出现转变为主要在碳纳米管管内中心的区域出现:碳纳米管束中的正电子与碳原子的价电子的湮没概率变得越来越大,与核心电子的湮没概率变得越来越小;碳纳米管束中正电子的湮没寿命先迅速增大,而后趋于一定值。
The experimental results show that the mean particle size of griseofulvin precipitated by RESS is smaller than 1, 0μm, narrow distribution and 95% fine particles is smaller than 1. 0μm. Increase of the pre-expansion pressure, the extraction temperature, the expansion chamber temperature, the spraying distance, the concentration of cosolvent and decrease of the nozzle diameter resulted in decrease of the particle size under the operating condition studied. Enhancement of the pre-expansion temperature resulted in increase of the particles size. The SEM of GF shows that the shape of original is atactic and a wide size distribution, but the microparticles obtained by RESS is reverse. Similar melting points and XRD patterns were observed for the original material and the precipitates obtained by RESS.
All the indexes were tested in 2 -. 4 .. 6 weeks of operative intervals respectively. Results:(1) The general observation in the experimental group ,such as spirit, hair, body weight and activity ,was superior to that in the control group.(2) The recovery rate of sciatic nerve functional index (SF1) was statistically significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group .(3) electrophysciological indexes: m the experimental group ,the tardy rate of induced motorius action potential ,recovery rates of the amplitude of compound muscle action potential and twitch tension and tetanic tension of triceps surae muscle ,were significantly higher than in the control group.(4) Compared with the control group ,the triceps surae muscle wet weight was significantly greater in the experimental group.(5) histomorphological indexes: the count of myelinated nerve fibers ,diameter of regenerated axon, thickness of nerve myelin sheath and area of capillary were much more in the experimental group than in the control group.(6) observation of ultrastructure with the transmission election microscope: more abundant organell a and maturer myelin sheath lay in the injured peripheral nerve of the experimental group, while not lay in the control group.
Moreover, their mass fractal dimensions Df, calculated by bi-logarithm relation between setting rates and equivalent circle diameters, were 2.0972.801, and the Df value for granules in the 5th compartment was the highest one among them, indicating that the most compact granules were formed. The least compact granules were observed in the 4th compartment, and the granules in the 1st and 2nd compartments show close compactness. However, the highest average setting rate for granules was detected in the 1st compartment.
Develop thorough screening programmes to identify the "provincial project quality inspection teams working procedures"; Adjust steel detector, a few concrete Hin resilient devices, infrared ranger, concrete thickness detector, and more than 10 types of screening equipment, equipment; Equipped with cameras, video cameras and other evidentiary materials; requirements for the preparation of inspection units related materials "examined units and personnel original list" for the registration of imported works of the "Project Profile Form" for the inspection of the quality of acts related units "quality checklist" for the inspection of engineering information "Engineering Quality Inspection Records Form" for the inspection of the quality of engineering entities "Housing construction quality inspection log," and "decorative decoration quality inspection log","roads, bridges project quality inspection log," for inspection Liang, panels, pillars location and diameter steel "reinforcement location checklist" for the inspection of the concrete strength "concrete strength resilience testing Form" inspection works for the detection test units "laboratory quality checklist," and "laboratory examination of records in table","quality laboratory testing checklist" for the inspection of ready-mix concrete production enterprise "ready-mix concrete plant quality checklist","ready-mix concrete plant quality inspection records acts table","ready-mix concrete plant quality control inspection log","ready-mix concrete plant product quality inspection and Registration Form" for the examination of relevant personnel to mandatory standards of the "construction standards mandatory testing of the questionnaire table," for statistical findings of the "quality inspection Tables","Engineering Quality Inspection results summary","project quality inspection results tables","Punishment of project quality inspection list","quality check" and the "existence of major problems tables construction standards mandatory testing of the questionnaire tables."
The infrared has also been observed from high-altitude mountain sites, when the 1991 eclipse went over Mauna Kea.
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Plunder melds and run with this jewel!
My dream is to be a crazy growing tree and extend at the edge between the city and the forest.
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