英语人>网络例句>目的 相关的搜索结果


与 目的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But their country was too far; and a man walking a thousand versts must inevitably put aside his final goal and say to himself every day that he is going to walk forty versts to a resting-place where he can sleep; and before the first halt that resting-place has eclipsed the image of the final goal, and all his hopes and desires are concentrated on it.


The project aims to link these opposite building typologies and ground levels.


Objective To study the diagnostic role of color Doppler flow imaging and (superscript 99m)Tc-MIBI in cold nodules of thyroids .

目的 目的:探讨彩色多普勒超声与(上标 99m)Tc-MIBI显像对甲状腺&冷&结节良恶性的诊断价值。

To investigate the methods to effectively and simply assess the CAG repeat size of HD gene which was necessary for gene diagnosis of Huntington disease, the sequence including polymorphic CAG repeat of HD gene was amplified by PCR with TaKaRa LA Taq DNA polymerase and GC buffer. PCR products were analyzed on polyacrylamide gel to distinguish normal alleles from HD alleles. The DNA fragments of affected alleles were recovered from polyacrylamide gel as templets for secondary PCR. The secondary PCR products were cloned into T vector for sequencing analysis to determine CAG repeat size. A total of 20 normal individuals and 3 members from a HD pedigree were included in this study.

为了简单高效检测HD基因开放阅读框5'端n三核苷酸重复序列,建立快速准确的亨廷顿病(Huntington disease, HD)基因诊断方法,应用TaKaRa LA Taq DNA聚合酶配合GC buffer扩增HD基因包含n重复序列的目的片段,非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测后回收n拷贝数异常增多的目的片段,再次PCR扩增后将产物连接至T载体,进行DNA测序确定CAG的拷贝数。

Seized by disappointment and with only$10 with him, he left Microsoft and went to a convenience store where he bought 10 kilo-grants of potatoes to sell them from door to door. Two hours later, he sold out the potatoes with a profit rate of 100%.After a couple of such dealings, his capital doubled and he found he mind feed himself this way.With such an idea in mind, he did this business in tamest and got increasingly prospered. He bought a car and employed more hands and started a large "door-to-door" dealing company, providing the service for people to buy fresh vegetables at their doors. Considering laying out the future for his family, he decided to buy insurance for them. The insurance agent was surprised to know that he did not have an e-mail address and said," just imagine how much you do with a computer and an e-mail address""I would be a cleaner in Microsoft" was his reply.


However from the same background Burke comes to represent capitalist, cooperate interests, with the intension to "tame" the alien and turn them into weapons for profit; hence his out-of-place costume (suit-and-tie in a planet lurking with deadly monsters) and his physical appearance: pale skinned, average built, in comparison to the Marines it makes him seem less explicit and weak, but it is this aspect makes him dangerous because "the unintentional power to harm supposed to lurk in the less explicit, weakly articulated areas of the same society" Douglas, M.

来自同一个国家,Burke (Paul Reiser饰演)代表的是另一种利益,他代表了这个国家从资本主义角度出发的,以营利为目的的企业利益,他参与到这次行动的目的是要&驯服&异形并把它们变成武器出售从而营利。因此,他苍白的肤色和他不合时宜的服装(身着西装在一个到处潜伏着危险怪物的星球上四处招摇)和太空海军陆战队的体型及服装形成了强烈的对比。

These financial institutions sell pools of loans to a special-purpose vehicle, whose sole function is to buy such assets in order to securitize them.


For example, Basel II only permits originating banks who securitize loans by way of a traditional securitization transaction, not to count those loans in its risk weighted exposures, if the sale of the mortgage loans to the SPV puts the loans completely beyond the bank's control (ie the transfer or the loans to the SPV must be by way of clean sale which cannot be set aside).

例如,《巴塞尔资本协定 II》规定,该等藉传统证券化交易来将贷款证券化的发起银行,只有在它们向「特定目的投资机构」出售按揭贷款,致使该等贷款是完全处於该些银行的控制范围以外时(即是转让予「特定目的投资机构」的贷款,必须是藉著不能搁置的clean sale 方式),它们才可以不将有关贷款列入其风险加权值之内。

This, together with similar moves, is designed to sabotage the efforts of the Geneva Conference for peace in the Middle East.


This software is also great for the purpose of short term selling for the purpose of roadshows, events, tradeshows and exhibitions.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
