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与 目的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on this model the optimum first planting density of Larix kaempferiLamb.

利用模型提出了以生产纸浆材、小径材为目的的豫西日本落叶松人工林的最适初植密度是 2 0 0 0~ 2 5 0 0株·hm-2 ,以生产中径材为目的是 110 0~ 15 0 0株·hm-2 。

OBJECTIVE: This study longitudinally described rates of posttraumatic stress disorder in two groups with different levels of severity of exposure to an earthquake in North China .


A pair of primers producing 614bp amplification fragment were designed based on the sequence of the C\|polyhedrin gene of Bombyx mori CPV,and the expected amplification products were obatined when genomic dsRNAs isolated from purified BmCPV,DsCPV and Lymantria dispar CPV were used as templates.Genomic dsRNAs isolated from Heliothis armigera CPV and DNAs from Lymantria dispar nuclear polyhedrosis virus and DNAs from midgut tissue of healthy Dendrolimus spectabilis larva did not yield any amplification products.The detection limit of purified DsCPV genomic dsRNAs was 1.0pg.


The results showed that the optimized content of Mg~(2+) was 5mmol/L; dNTP was 200μmol/L; Primer was 0.5μmol/L; Taq polymerase was lU/50ul in the PCR system. Only one fragment of about 270bp was amplified within the genome of 12 wild species and 23 cultivars of Mallus Mill., which indicated that Ty1-copia-like retrotransposons were archaic components of apple genome. The nested insertion of near and within the reverse transcriptase gene of Ty1-copia-like retrotransposons wasn\'t found in apple genome.2 The reverse transcriptase conservative region of Ty1-copia-like retrotransposons were amplified from Gala apple using the optimized PCR system. The amplification product was isolated, cloned and sequenced. Forty-five clones containing reverse transcriptase conservative region were obtained (accession number: AY849580 -AY849592 and DQ105035-DQ105066). Cluster analysis of these sequences showed a great heterogeneity among RT domains isolated from the same genotype.


Objective To analyze the CT and MRI manifestations of oral carcinoma,and to evaluate the value of imaging technologies in the diagnosis of oral carcinoma,thus to explore the most reasonable imaging method Methods 46 cases with oral carcinoma,proved by surgery and pathology (2 lip tumors,8 carcinomas of the gingival ridge,5 carcinomas of the buccal mucosa,24 tongue carcinomas,5 carcinomas of the floor of the mouth,2 tumors of the hard palate),were analysed retrospectively32 cases were examined with CT and 14 cases with MRIImaging presentations were compared with surgery and pathology Results Of the 46 cases with oral carcinoma,22 were ulcerative lesion of infiltrative growth,24 were masslike lesion of extruded trowthOf the 32 cases examined with CT scan,27 were detected,5 were missed,the 4 missed cases were confirmed to be superficial ulcers by surgery and pathologyOf the 10 cases with bone destruction examined with CT scan,8 were manifested,2 were missedAnd of the 14 cases with MRI scan,all 14 were detected Conclusion CT and MRI scan are valuable for diagnosis of oral carcinomasThey can manifest the morphology and size of primary tumor,contiguous structures,bone invasion and cervical lymph node metastasisMRI is the optimal imaging method for superficial ulcerative lesion of infiltratibe growth

中华硕博网核心提示:徐锋,罗德红,唐威,欧阳汉,周纯武关键词:口腔肿瘤目的分析口腔癌的CT及MRI表现,评价影像检查在口腔癌诊断中的应用价值,探徐锋,罗德红,唐威,欧阳汉,周纯武目的分析口腔癌的CT及MRI表现,评价影像检查在口腔癌诊断中的应用价值,探索合理的影像学检查方法。方法回顾性分析经手术及病理证实的口腔癌46例(唇癌2例,牙龈癌8例,颊黏膜癌5例,舌癌24例,口底癌5例,硬腭癌2例),其中32例行CT扫描,14例行MRI扫描,将影像表现与手术所见及病理结果进行对照分析。结果46例口腔癌中,呈浸润性生长的溃疡型病变22例,外生性生长的肿物型病变24例。CT扫描32例,明确显示病变27例,遗漏病变5例,其中4例为表浅溃疡型病变。CT扫描病例中,10例有骨质侵犯,CT扫描准确评价8例,遗漏2例。MRI扫描14例,均准确评价肿瘤及其与四周结构的关系。结论 CT、MRI对口腔癌原发肿瘤的形态、大小、四周结构侵犯、颈部淋巴结转移的评价有重要价值。对于较小及呈浸润性生长的表浅溃疡型肿瘤,CT扫描尤其是CT平扫难以准确显示,应首选MRI。

PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to test the hypothesis that estrogen and progesterone regulate gene expression in the meibomian gland.


PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to test the hypothesis that estrogen and progesterone regulate gene expression in the meibomian gland.


Abstract] objective to discuss ultrasound diagnosis on fetal abnormal.methods we examined 1 231 example pregnant women carried on the prenatal with ultrasonography and the color ultrasonography.results picked out the fetal abnormal 9 examples,in which anencephaly were 2 examples,the hydrocephalus 3 examples,the meningocele 1 example,the endocardial cushion defects 1 example,the ectopiacordis accompanied grastroschisis 1 example,the cleftlip 1 example.all patients were confirmed through induced labor.conclusion fetal abnormal ultrasonography image is typical,the careful inspection correct analysis can discover promptly,ultrasonography is the first method to inspect the fetalabnormal,may achieve the prompt discovery,prompt termination of pregnancy item.

目的 探讨超声检查对胎儿畸形的诊断价值。方法对1231例孕妇进行产前超声检查。结果检出胎儿畸形9例,其中无脑畸形2例,脑积水3例,脑膜膨出1例,心内膜垫缺损1例,心脏外翻并腹壁大缺损1例,唇裂1例。所有患者均经引产后证实。结论胎儿畸形的声像图比较典型,细心检查正确分析能及时发现,超声是检查胎儿畸形的首选方法,可达到及时发现及时终止妊娠的目的

In view of the characteristics of low permeability and difficulty to define the minable and unminable of coal in China,the concept of gas mixture enhanced coalbed met...


Purpose:The paper narrated the awareness condition of AIDS and other notifiable sexually transmitted diseases from the Keelung junior high school students.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
