英语人>网络例句>目的 相关的搜索结果


与 目的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The combinant vector was used as a template for PCR which was cloned into vector pMD-19T,then subcloned into expression vector pET-26b with pelB signal sequence and His-Taq sequence.After transforming E.coli BL21(DE3) and four hours induction by IPTG,HMGB1 expression confirmed by SDS-PAGE and the purification was performed by Ni2 -chelate affinity chromatograph.


AIM: To generate random sequences that can fit the anticipated probability distribution based on the thinking of MC, METHODS: We establish a method in the IDE of visual studio by the way of Linear Congruential Method to generate random sequences.


It comprises two species,Dianulites hexaporites,Orbiramus grandis sp.nov.of trepostome esthonioporines,and one species,Prophyllodictya putilovensis Lavrentjeva of cryptostome ptilodictyines.

这个苔藓动物群由变口目爱沙尼亚苔虫亚目的两个种:Dianulites hexaporites,Orbiramus grandissp.nov。和隐口目翼网苔虫亚目的一个种:Prophyllodi-ctya putilovensisLavrentjeva组成。

Objective To introduce a new procedure modifying upper eyelid's dermatocele and excessive fullness.Methods In this procedure,we design incision at sub-eyebrow but not up-eyelash to do upper eyelid blepharoplasty.Using this approach,we smooth the wrinkles ion upper eyelids,excise superfluous skin and pseudo-herniated orbital fat so as to make patients youthful.Results Through this method.aging upper eyelids can be made youthful effectively and naturally.

目的 介绍治疗上睑臃肿松垂的新术式方法我们采用眉下切口而不是传统的睫毛上切口进行上睑整形,充分舒展松垂皱缩的上睑,并去除膨出的上睑眶隔脂肪及余的皮肤和轮匝肌组织,在达到改善上睑松弛使病人外貌年轻化的目的

Taking into account the above, the purpose of this paper is to present a global architecture model (in the traditional software development sense) for any e-learning system that provides theoretical justification without losing generality; in other words, an architecture model that is valid for any type of didactical purpose.


The aim of this study was to assess the impact of these measures on the incidence of C. difficile and to record the associated mortality in hip fracture patients.

目的 研究的目的在于评估这些措施对于艰难梭状芽胞杆菌感染发生率的影响和并记录髋部骨折病人相应的死亡率。

The behavior purpose of advertising behavior purpose and user is very disharmonious.


The monotypic genus Macrovalsaria previously of uncertain taxonomic position turns out to be a member of Botryosphaeriales and seems to be related to Botryosphaeria. The placement of Neopeckia and of Dothidotthia is in Dothideales and Botryosphaeriales, respectively. The genera Plowrightia and Botryosphaeria as currently defined are not monophyletic. Species of Plowrightia appear to be associated with three genera, Dothidea, Neopeckia and Sydowia; those of Botryosphaeria tested are recognized as three groups.


The Gardner thinks the foreign language learning motive should include four aspects:The purpose a goal, the diligent degree effortful behaviors of the study, attains the wishes a desire to attain the goal of study the purpose, with the study attitude attitude.

Gardner认为,外语学习动机应包括四个方面:目的a goal,学习的努力程度effortful behaviors,达到学习目的的愿望a desire to attain the goal,和学习态度attitude。

Objectie: The objectie of this study is to inestigate the safety and effectieness of laser marsupialization of epiglottic cysts ia a transoral route.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
