英语人>网络例句>目的 相关的搜索结果


与 目的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The purpose of the program is to improve the performance of the business – both financially and operationally.


The rules of Sanda evolved continuously with the development of Sanda itself. The evolution is adaptable not only to its characteristics of severe opposability and enjoyment, but also to the benefit of the popularization and improvement of the event so as to promote the modern Sanda exercises to develop gradually in depth.


The purpose of making a decision is to establish and achieve organizational goals and objectives.


The prosecutor's purpose is to prove the accused guilty, and the questions asked are dialogic contraction oriented, so that little space is left for the accused to argue for himself, while the defending lawyer's purpose is to acquit or reduce the legal responsibility of the accused, so the questions asked will be dialogic expansion dominated, so that enough space is left for the accused to defend himself/herself.


He ostensible purpose was to borrow some sugar,but she really wanted to see her neightbor's new furniture.


Promote growth/understanding 211.in/out of proportion to 212.propose doing sth.

with a fine 241.make several purchases 242.on purpose 243.for…purpose 244.for purpose of 245.answer/ serve the purpose 246.pursue pleasure 247.push…aside 第 38 页共 50 页在进行中,在进展中禁止某人做某事许下/违背/遵守诺言履行诺言守约许诺某人某物答应做某事促进增长/了解和…相称,和…成比例建议…(比 suggest 正式)向某人求婚想要做某事勘探金矿探寻某人的新财富保护……免受环境保护向…提出抗议毫无怨言地为…而感到骄傲证明是,结果是证明某人,某事是证明某事证明…为某人提供某物为某人提供某物免费供给,为应付需要而提供如果心理测试青春期心理当众,公开地对公众进站/离站渡过难关推翻,摧毁穿上/脱掉靠边行驶因某事而惩罚某人处以罚金购买了几样东西故意地出于…的目的为了…起见达成目的寻欢作乐把…推到一旁高考词组汇编

2 If the goods are to be forwarded to a place outside the limits of the said port of destination the insurance continues until the goods are loaded on to a vessel, craft or conveyance or until the expiry of 30 days from midnight of the day on which the discharge overside of the insured goods from the oversea vessel at the said port of destination is completed, whichever shall first occur.

8.2 如果货物需要转运到所述目的港以外的地点,本保险持续至货物装上船舶、驳船或运输工具、或直至保险货物在所述目的港卸离海船之日午夜起满30天,以先发生者为准。

On the ground of the analysis above,it discusses the purpose for which Pearl S.Buck translats the Chinese classic Shui Hu Zhuan and indicates a coincidence relation between the transla...


Then, one of the purposes of punishment is to punish crime, but this has been reflected in China's history of the Penal Code.


The cultural tradition of whole Europe and the philosophical trends of his time were the theoretical bases that produced his thoughts of economic ethic, especially physiocracy and David Hume and Francis Hutcheson and Bernard Mandeville brought about a direct influences upon his thoughts.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
