英语人>网络例句>皮质的 相关的搜索结果


与 皮质的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During the resection of epileptogenic focus, local anesthesia was used in 2 patients, general anesthesia with laryngeal mask in 2 and tracheal intubation anesthesia in 7. The functional language cortices should be protected carefully during the surgery.


Methods:Surgery was performed on kittens during the critical period (age 2~4 wks) to induce esotropic MS by sectioning the lateral rectus muscle of one eye and MD by lid suture.


4Histological examination of the capsular bags: It could be seen in group 4 that a small amount of LECs at the capsular equator proliferated and migrated to the posterior capsule, forming a thin soemmering ring in the periphery of the capsular bags, forming thin fibromembrane which embodied monolay metaplastic fibroblast-like cells in the center of the capsular bags, or with no cells or cortical material in the center of the capsular bags.

囊袋组织学检查:HSV-TK+GCV组可见少量赤道部晶状体上皮细胞(lens epithelial cells, LECs)增殖并向后囊膜迁移,在囊袋外周部形成稀薄的soemmering环,在中央部无细胞和皮质,或仅形成单细胞层纤维膜。

ConclusionAntituberculous treatment combines with adrenal cortical hormone and drawing fluidify from pleural cavity can get a good curative effect on the treatment of exudative tuberculous pleurisy.


The resuits showed that fow amount of IL-IRtImRNA were expressed in normal renal cortex and medulla and incresed in the kidney of rat with nephrotoxic serumnephritis, esprially in medulla.


Focal cerebral ischemia activates intrinsic neural stem cells, which proliferate and differentiate, and migrate toward ischemic striatum and frontoparietal cortex. This may help clarify the mechanism of functional recovery after ischemia.


Results The Fos reactive products were distributed in the piriform cortex,accumbens nucleus,bed nucleus of stria terminalis, cingulate gyrus,nucleus of diagonal band, hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, supraoptic nucleus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, arcuate nucleus, central amygdaloid, subfornical organ, paraventricular thalamic nucleus, lateral habenular nucleus,ventrolateral part of the central gray,lateral parabrachial nucleus,locus ceruleus,medullary visceral zone.

结果 Fos阳性产物分布于梨状皮质、伏核、终纹床核、扣带回、斜角带核、下丘脑室旁核、视上核、视交叉上核、弓状核、中央杏仁核、穹窿下器、丘脑室旁核、外侧缰核、中脑中央灰质腹外侧区、脑桥臂旁外侧核、蓝斑、延髓内脏带等脑区,而在大脑白质及小脑中无明显的密集分布区。

At 3 months after operation, there are dense, firmly anchored bone with an haversian architecture at the interface between the hydroxyapatite and the cortical bone.


A massive hemicylindrical cortical graft from the affected bone is placed across the defect and is supplemented by cancellous iliac bone.


A massie hemicylindrical cortical graft from the affected bone is placed across the defect and is supplemented by cancellous iliac bone.


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Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
