英语人>网络例句>皮质的 相关的搜索结果


与 皮质的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Low signal was also seen in the motor cortex on T2-weighted images in three of the eight normal volunteers and four of the 16 disease controls: one with a bulbospinal muscular atrophy, two with leukoencephalopathy and one with Binswanger's disease.


We found that the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was crucial for the retrieval of the encoded pictorial information, whereas the left DLPFC was involved in encoding operations.


BrdU labeling indicated that the positive cells in the lateral ganglionic eminence migrated in a similar way to those in control group 6 h following Xray irradiation, the positive cells were observed to be around the cystic cavities in cortexstriatum 2 days later and migrated to the ventral cortical plate 4 days later.

BrdU标识显示腹侧端脑的外侧节隆起的神经细胞移动类似于正常对照组,2 d后阳性细胞分布在皮质纹状体区形成的空洞周围,4 d后移动到腹侧皮质板。

The results showed that①the fos like immunoreactionwas increased in the rat frontal cortex,cingulate cortex,islands of Calleja and caudate putamen in the acute group;②the FLI was increased in the rats frontal cortex,mammillary nucleus,amygdaloid nucleus and caudate putamen in the chronic group;③...

结果显示:1一次给药后额叶皮质,扣带回,嗅结节岛,纹状体四个部位的免疫反应阳性细胞数显著增加;2长期给药组额叶皮质,乳头体核,杏仁核和纹状体四个部位的 C- FOS免疫反应阳性细胞数显著增加;3不同抗抑郁药作用的部位有差异。

Based on these principles, anything that damages the PFC or the orbitofrontal cortex will lead to bad decision making and can substantially increase the risk of using drugs of abuse leading to addiction.


The areas indicated by the circle is the prefrontal cortex and orbitofrontal cortex. As previously discussed, these areasare critical decision-making systems.


The results were as follows: Compared with control group, the weight and the relative weight of thymuses, bursas of Fabricius and spleens of experiment group increased significantly(P<0.05) or extremely significantly(P<0.01). In experiment group, the cortex of thymic lobule, bursa nodule and Periarterial Lymphatic Sheaths thicken obviously; the volume of bursa nodule, splenic nodule and ellipsoid augmented, and the germinal center of splenic nodule were obvious; the thymic corpuscle increased; the plica of bursas of Fabricius developed well and the degenerating of it retarded.


The experiment research indicates: contrasting with thecontrol groups, Bushen Huoxue Huatan Prescription has the following functions: 1. improving the praxiology function of model rats, 2. improving the activity in cholineacetyl-transferase in hippocampus tissue, 3. increasing the expression of NOS in hippocampus region of cortex, 4. promoting the expression of the synapse P3, in hippocampus region of cortex, 5. reducing obviously the apoptosis number of brain nerve cell .


The deficit in sleep spindles in schizophrenia subjects may reflect dysfunction in thalamic-reticular and thalamocortical mechanisms and could represent a biological marker of illness.


The deficit in sleep spindles in schizophrenia subjects may reflect dysfunction in thalamic-reticular and thalamocortical mechanisms and could represent a biological marker of illness.


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St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


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