英语人>网络例句>皮层的 相关的搜索结果


与 皮层的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

BACKGROUND: We have used a computational model of the thalamocorticalsystem to investigate the effects of a GABAergic anesthetic on cerebral cortical and thalamic neuronal function.

背景:作者曾使用丘脑皮质系统的计算模型来测定相关类麻醉药物对皮层和丘脑 GABA 能神经元功能的影响。

It indicated that when the midbrain reticular formation induced cortical desynchronization through the thalamocortical loop, it simultaneously excitated an inhibitory path which acted on the bodies of dentate granule cells and declined the excitability of granule cells. After the injection of Urethane, the negative correlation between EPSPs and PSs were weakened.


What lights up instead is the right ventrolateral(7) prefrontal(8) cortex(9), part of the brain that controls impulses.


AIM: To examine whether γaminobutyric acid modulation is involved in morphineinduced antinociception in the ventrolateral orbital cortex of the rat.


Although the scans were largely similar, the women tended to use certain parts of their brain more than the men. These included the pre-frontal cortex, which helps us decode language and screen out irrelevancies.


Althoughthe scans were largely similar, the women tended to use certain partsof their brain more than the men. These included the pre-frontalcortex, which helps us decode language and screen out irrelevancies.


Althoughthe scans were largely similar, the women tended to use certain partsof their brain more than the men. These included the aion kinah pre-frontalcortex, which helps us decode language and screen out aion gold irrelevancies.


After reinjecting back to the depressed scar, autologous fibroblasts secret and synthesize typeⅠand type III collagen. Furthermore, it obviously improved the recovery of depressed scars. Autologous fibroblasts can be applied in medicine cosmetology, such as the recovery of scars and cosmetology packing wrinkle.


Since the skin appendages are destroyed , there is no epithelium available for regeneration of the skin . An ulcerating wound is produced , which in healing leaves a scar .


Forgetting information preceding cortical injury is retrograde amnesia, whereas the inability to learn newer information after injury is anterograde amnesia.


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