英语人>网络例句>皮层内的 相关的搜索结果


与 皮层内的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then the intracellular calcium concentration of neurons was measured by laser confocal scanning microscope , represented by the mean intracellular fluorescent intensity. On the ice, the cerebral cortical tissue at the infarction margin of the section after optic chiasm was rapidly dissociated about 100mg, then made into brain homogenate in low temperature. The high performance liquid chromatography was used to determine the Glu, Asp and Gly contents in homogenized brain tissue.


The results showed that the main difference between two types of pea occurred in endocarp and the parchment formed at early development stage of pod.


The inner layer of the cortex differentiates into the endodermis.


Epidermis, cortex, endodermis, stale can be observed from the surface of a root to the center.


The opioid receptors mainly distribute at prefrontal lobe(obitofrontal gyrus, medial superior frontal gyrus, superior frontal gyrus), paralimbic cortices (cingulated cortex and hippocampus), insular cortex、pallidum and the opercular section of frontal lobe and parietal lobe. These results corresponded with the classic theories on PET neurorecepotors imaging.


Candidum root and surrounded it, and later penetrated the velamen cells.Or mycorrhizal fungus penetrated the exodermal passage cells through the velamencells and further infected the cells of cortex, and then formed pelotons in the corticalcells.


The result presented a direct morphological evidence for weakness of GABAergic intracortical inhibition ,which is considered to be a possible candidate for neural basis of age-related visual function decline, and further suggested that GABAergic neuron loss and decreased GABA synthesis might be responsible for above degradation.


The structure of the bladder was defined firstly to be 6 layers, tegument , exterior mesenchyma , parenchyma layer , interior mesenchyma , interior matrix zone and interior layer . The structure of the cervix was 3 layers, tegument , mesenchyma and Parenchyma .


The pattern of aerenchyma formation could originate by the combination of cortical cell autolysis and enlarged intercellular space. The process occurred in some stages: cortical cells stopped expansion and the intercellular space became larger at the initial stage. Cortical cells to collapse and autolysis were found with the disintegration of cell contents. After the evacuation of cell contents, cortical cells became shrinking and invaginated.


The results showed that the POD existed in the tentacles, respiratory tree and digestive system of Apostichopus japonicus. The activity of POD in epidermic layer of body wall and the outer layer of alimentary canal were weakly positive. POD in epidermis of tentacles were positive.


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