英语人>网络例句>痴呆的 相关的搜索结果


与 痴呆的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Without any other methods can measure the character of the live white matter presently, DTI has great significance for the study of the anatomization of the brain and the diagnosis of the diseases of white matter.


Often enough, when one sees a neurosis with hysterical or obsessional symptoms, which is not excessively marked and has not been in existence for long - just the type of case, that is, that one would regard as suitable for treatment - one has to, reckon with the possibility that it may be a preliminary stage of what is known as dementia praecox ('schizophrenia', in Bleuler's terminology;' paraphrenia', as I have proposed to call it), and that sooner or later it will show a well-marked picture of that affection.

常见的,当某人看到一个有癔症或着强迫症状的神经症时,如果症状并不过度显著,持续时间也不长--就是案例的典型,也就是说,这将被视为适合治疗的--此人必须考虑这种可能性:这可能是被称为早发性痴呆( Bleuler 的术语中成为精神分裂症,我推荐称之为妄想呆痴)的初级阶段,并且迟早他会表现出该疾病的显著景象来。

Goodfellow case as a basis to make the standard criteria including: the understanding of the nature of a will and codicil, the knowledge of the general extent of one's assets, the knowledge of the natural object of one's bounty, the understanding of the impact of the distribution of the assets of the estate, and the absence of a delusion specifically affecting the distribution of the estate. The impact factors of the testamentary capacity, including dementia, mood disorder, schizophrenia, alcohol, drug, and undue influence, etc., are summarized.


Goodfellow case as a basis to make the standard criteria including : the understanding of the nature of a will and codicil, the knowledge of the general extent of one ′ s assets, the knowledge of the natural object of one ′ s bounty, the understanding of the impact of the distribution of the assets of the estate, and the absence of a delusion specifically affecting the distribution of the estate. The impact factors of the testament ary capacity, including dementia, mood disorder, schizophrenia, alcohol, drug, and undue influence, etc., are summarized.

Goodfellow 案例为基础制定的标准,包括理解遗嘱的性质和附加条款、对自己资产的基本认识、对自己可分配物品的认识、理解自己财产分配所带来的影响和不受妄想影响下分配财产,并归纳遗嘱能力的影响因素,包括痴呆、情感障碍、精神分裂症、酒中毒、精神活性物质和不适当影响等。

Recent research has shown that mitochondrial dysfunction read.freeduan.com underlies a broad spectrum of disease, from maternally inherited genetic disorders to metabolism defects, aging, stroke, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and Lou Gehrig's disease.

新近的研究已经表现那mitochondrial 机能失调read.freeduan.com为疾病的宽的范围的基础,从母亲继承的遗传疾病到新陈代谢缺陷,变旧,中风和neurodegenerative疾病,早老性痴呆症和卢·格里克的疾病。

A study of more than 2,200 Japanese-American men between the ages of 71 and 93 found that those who were sedentary or walked under a quarter of a mile per day were nearly twice as likely to develop dementia as those who covered two miles or more a day.


Bhat and his team of MUSC Neuroscientists tested their hypothesis that high cholesterol, resulting from either diet or genetic disposition, would intensify the brain's inflammatory response and spur amyloid generation that would, in turn, lead to the neurodegeneration and dementia characteristic of Alzheimer's disease.


A new study has identified commonly prescribed drugs for the treatment of hypertension that may be capable of preventing Alzheimer's disease and cognitive deterioration by preventing beta-amyloid production in the brain.


We need to complete preventive and therapeutic clinical trials in the near future if we are to identify certain anti-hypertensive drugs with anti beta-amyloid anti-oligomeric activities, which will need to be prescribed at dosages that do not interfere with blood pressure in normotensive Alzheimer's disease patients.

& &我们需要完整的预防和治疗的临床试验在不久的将来,如果我们的目的是查明某些抗高血压药物,抗β-淀粉样蛋白反低聚活动,这部分须在处方用量不干扰血液压力血压正常的老人痴呆症患者。

Wine may contain natural ingredients that help prevent dementia in women, according to new research from the Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg in Sweden.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
