英语人>网络例句>痕迹 相关的搜索结果


与 痕迹 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The plastic surgery operation known as a butt lift, thighplasty, or excisional thigh lipectomy is a procedure which addresses a range of problems in the inner thighs ranging from excess fat deposits to loose skin to weak muscles and stretch marks.


The Butt Lift by Dave Carter The plastic surgery operation known as a butt lift, thighplasty, or excisional thigh lipectomy is a procedure which addresses a range of problems in the inner thighs ranging from excess fat deposits to loose skin to weak muscles and stretch marks.


Rémy's prints were all over Chateau Villette, as well as in the barn's listening post, where Rémy had carried out the surveillance.


If you are anything like me,failures litter the landscape of your life.


That state where you forget yourself, lose track of time, and stop worrying.


Many such countries have been loth to tap the fund because of the stigma involved.


A master packager knows how to integrate art and nature without any traces of embellishment that the person so packaged is no commodity but human being, lively and loverly.


I have to admit you will find some similarities between our short and Star Wars by Lucas Films.


The details seen in the Hubble view shows lumpiness in thedebris plume caused by turbulence in Jupiter's atmosphere.


The mysterious thing about this proper love is that it contains no trace of the early lunacy.

崇 高爱情的神秘之处在于,它没有早期精神错乱的痕迹

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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。