英语人>网络例句>疣 相关的搜索结果

与 疣 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, she is good at curing chloasma, freckle, red blood thread, sweat duct nubble, flat wart, sensitive skin and all kinds of birthmark. Combine traditional skin care with modern laser and photon technology to treat, understand and master the latest international and domestic beauty and skin care products, and the trends and technologies.


Burden of Disease – HPV 6, 11, 16, 18 Amongst Men HPV Types Condition Prevented 16 and 18 6 and 11 70% anal cancers and AIN Some penile / oropharynx cancers Reduced transmission to women 90% of genital warts Reduced transmission to women

感染肛门生殖道的 HPV 可以区分为两大类,一为导致生殖道或良性子宫颈病变的低危险性病毒型,共 10 至 15 种;另一为与侵袭性子宫颈癌、生殖道癌相关的高危险性病毒型,共 15 至 20 种。

Do not use over-the-counter wart treatments in the genital area ...


Irregular reddish tan vegetations overlie valve cusps that are being destroyed.


This condition is less contagious than overt genital warts ...


Genital wart is a common infection caused by the Human Papilloma Virus ...


Genital wart are part of the Human Papilloma Virus family.


This genital wart is caused by the Human Papilloma virus.


Genital warts are caused by the human papilloma virus and are a sexually transmitted disease ...


Warts are caused by different strains of the human papilloma virus.


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For has anyone said to God,'I have borne chastisement; I will not offend anymore

伯34:31 有谁对神说、我受了责罚、不再犯罪。

Events which handle the second half of a split-phase operation begun in a command should have names that are related to the commands.


From April to October 2003, a total of 40 patients aged 58 to 86 years (mean: 69.3 yr) were randomized into two comparable groups; one underwent bipolar TURP and the other received monopolar TURP. Pre-operative and post-operative serum sodium concentration, hemoglobin level, resection time, blood loss and weight of specimen were evaluated.

方怯 从2003年4月至10月,总共收集40位良性摄护腺的病患,以随机的方式接受双极电刀(22位)及单极电刀(18位)的治疗,分析两组的手术时间、刮除的病理重量、流血量、术前及术后的钠离子变化与术后6个月及1年的I-PSS、Qmax的比较。