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与 疏 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With money, it seems, it is not familiarity, but unfamiliarity that breeds contempt


Slipper type universal coupling"s fork joint and palm end are the weak parts of the main transmission system. In this article, the two parts" intensity values are obtained through finite element analysis . After making three-dimensional computer simulation analysis by ANSYS, the results show that the middle arc of the fork joint in loaded side and the intersection of fork bore and the arc are the danger location, where the stress is largest and stress concentration is serious.


He not only inherits Xie Lingyun and Xie Tiao"s composed experience of the landscape poems, but also produces the obvious new change of his poem"s art: First, the transformation of landscape aesthetic ideal; second, the abundant connotation of landscape theme; Third, the movement of find-a-view image and sketchy pattern; Fourth, the poesy form of unpretending aloof.


By means of the natural and unrestrained language, the free and loose structure, unconventional works constructed informal style of writing, smashed the trammels of aesthetic traditional conceptions, also displayed exciting vehemence and power, with unpurified feelings as the center of expression, unbosoming and pouring out the hearts as the lyric fundamental method.


The states of mind in the three periods take on different characteristics, with the early period featuring depression and introspection; the middle period, reason and peace; the latter period, unrestraint and self-ease.


RESULTS The SOD activity had linear correlation with pH in the range of pH 2.2-8.0 when SOD concentration was fixed. The varication of activity after ultrosonication had linear correlcation with fluoresent intensity at 340 nm. With increase of uhtrosonic frequency, the microenviroment of tyrosine and tryptophan inside the SOD molecule was changed, then the balance of hydrophokicity and hydrophilicity inside the molecule was broken, this induced the blue shift of synchronous spectrum band and decrease of SOD activity.

结果 SOD浓度一定、pH2.2~8.0时,活性与其线性相关,超声后活性差值与340 nm荧光强度差值的线性相关;随着超声次数的增加,蛋白质SOD分子内部的酪氨酸、色氨酸所处的微环境被扰动,打破了分子内部的水和亲水平衡,使蛋白质的活性降低,在荧光检测中观察到普通荧光谱带蓝移,同步荧光的荧光峰位总体呈现峰位蓝移和强度下降。

The 4 nucleotides of DNA sequences can be further encoded with two - bit digits in which t he first bit is the base bit to encode purines and pyrimidines and the second bit is the functional group bit to encode the keto group and amino group. According to the degree of degeneracy of genetic codes and the two dimension distribution of molecular weights and isoelectricpoints of amino acids , a set of classification graph(Venn' s diagram) of amino acids can be obtained. It is suggested that the amino acids of high degenerate group are mostly small and simple, and constitute the transmembranic structure or the structural domains of protein molecules. So amino acids of high degenerate group might appear in the early evolution stage.


Petiole 0.5-6.5 cm; leaf blade elliptic to ovate or broadly lanceolate, sometimes falcate, 5-20 X 2-8 cm, adaxially glabrous to sparsely pubescent, abaxially glabrous, base usually oblique, cuneate to narrowly cuneate, margin serrate to entire, rarely undulate or crenate, apex acuminate to acute, vermiform sclereids surrounding vascular bundles; lateral veins 4-14 on each side of midrib.

叶柄0.5-6.5厘米;有时,宽披针形的叶片椭圆形到卵形或,5-20 X 2-8厘米,正面无毛到生短柔毛,背面无毛,基础通常斜,侧脉4-14在中脉每边各。

The problems of too dense and too sparse population and Tokyo one-pole concentration have been made worse. The vigorousness of regional economy is slow and the gap is expanded comparing to the three big urban circles.


Branchlets not virgate, gray-brown or dark brown, scabrous, with longitudinally arranged slits, not shiny; leaf blade leathery, spatulate or rhombic-elliptic, apex truncate or acute, adaxially glabrous or midvein sparsely puberulent, abaxially with ± dist

小枝不棒状,灰棕色或者暗褐色,粗糙,带有纵向安排的裂缝,不发亮;叶片革质,匙形或菱形椭圆形,先端截形或锐尖,中脉生微柔毛的正面无毛或,背面具多少dist 42 R。 rosthornii 小冻绿树

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
