英语人>网络例句>疏 相关的搜索结果

与 疏 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The analysis shows that the molecule chain coupling is the common feature of the two systems.


The results showed that the total numbers of integral membrane proteins identified based on PAOT,trypsin/chymotrypsin and methanol-modified digestions were 101,59 and 72,which included 67,40 and 31 proteins with GRAVY>0,respectively.


Based on the development of steam automatic drain-er,investigates the applied status of automatic drainer on the domestic units and the imported units.


According to the investigation of hydrophobic properties of ACNT films, we expect that it is not limited to ACNT films, all nanoscale tubular or fibrillar surface/interfacial materials with the alignment structure are probably superhydrophobic or super-amphiphobic through hydrophobic reagent treatment.


The Sulfhydryl content of glycinin and β-conglycinin are increased with the increasing of pressure and prolong of processed time; Fluorescence analysis reveals that glycinin has larger hydrophobic regions while processed by higher pressure; But to β-conglycinin, the hydrophobic regions change according to different pressure; The changes of ultraviolet difference spectra of pressured glycinin show that amino acid residues which have ultraviolet absorbance are exposed on the surface of the protein molecule with its unfolding by high pressure denaturation as well as the exposure of sulfhydryl and dissulfide groups.


In the following spring,although the treatments did not affect the number of flower buds produced per tree,branches that were deflowered in the previous spring carried significantly more flower buds than did branches which had cropped.


Comparative calculations of different drain methods show that it is more economical and safe to use the drain cooler for the low pressure regenerative heating system of 300 MW units than to use the low pressure drain pump.

对热力发电厂中低压加热器水系统所采用的不同水方式进行分析,通过对不同水方式的比较和计算,表明300 MW机组的低加回热系统采用水冷却器比采用低加水泵更经济、安全。

Mechanical-type traps Bellow Seal Valves are free float-type, the free semi-float type, lever-type float, inverted bucket type, and so 1, free float steam trap: Free float steam trap of the structure is simple, the internal moving parts is only one fine grinding of stainless steel hollow float, float is also a hoist parts, no fragile parts, life is very long,"Silver Ball" brand within the zone trap there are Y series automatic row of air devices, very sensitive, can automatically row of air, the work of high quality.

机械型水阀有自由浮球式、自由半浮球式、杠杆浮球式、倒吊桶式等 1、自由浮球式水阀:自由浮球式水阀的结构简单,内部只有一个活动部件精细研磨的不锈钢空心浮球,既是浮子又是启闭件,无易损零件,使用寿命很长,&银球&牌水阀内部带有Y系列自动排空气装置,非常灵敏,能自动排空气,工作质量高。

Based on the analysis of the factors caused land subsidence, the internal mechanism and development process of land subsidence caused by two mainly factors of dewatering and underground mining have been studyed in this thesis. The random medium model and methods have been established to calculate the land subsidence and deformation caused by dewatering or underground minging and both of them. The prediction problem of land subsidence and deformation caused by single factor and many factors has been solved.


It is understood that only Valve Factory Co., Ltd., Beijing, Gansu Pingliang 九二○ Factory, Chengdu aircraft instrument company trap plants, Yongjia County, Valve Factory, Long into a trap plant, the second valve plant in Shenyang, Dalian High Pressure Valve Co., Ltd., Yangzhou valve factory is still producing steam trap, but most manufacturers do not test apparatus, the Chengdu aircraft instrument companies only trap plants have PN6.5MPa, 600kg and total evaporation of the boiler performance test devices, Pingliang 九二○ Factory, Yangzhou valve factory has performance test equipment, Beijing Valve General Factory Co., Ltd.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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