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与 电影 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Everything about the film—from the sub - cultural biker world it constructs to the lead character and the core audience—is overwhelmingly jantan (male, masculine and heterosexual), except for the presence of a subtextually queer supporting character who develops a homoerotic relationship with the Mat Motor protagonist, whose masculinity he eroticises and obsesses over, literally unto death.

这个电影的一切,从亚文化的自行车手世界,男主角,到它的主要观众,都是" jantan"(马来语,"雄"的意思,指男性阳刚的异性恋者)。电影中只出现了一个有着弦外之音的同性恋配角,他和男主角发生了一段同性恋情。他非常色情地迷恋他的男性气质,一直到死。

Though approaching middle age, Porco is hardly tired; instead, he flies his snazzy red hydroplane, scouring the skies for air pirates.


Grace shines around her with serenest beams, And whisp'ring angels prompt her golden dreams. For her th'unfading rose of Eden blooms, And wings of seraphs shed divine perfumes, For her the Spouse prepares the bridal ring, For her white virgins hymeneals sing, To sounds of heav'nly harps she dies away, And melts in visions of eternal day


There is the village idealization tendency in Chinese movies.


Having made a general study of his movies over the years, from his first work THE RED CHINESE SORGHUM in 1983 to the latest movie HERO in 2002, which are grouped into "ideography"and " documentation ", the thesis dissects the anesthetic ideas contained in those movies and further excavates the roots of the "two-pole"aesthetic phenomenon and the "extreme"director's t.

这是一篇关于张艺谋电影"两极"美学现象和"极致"导演思维的研究,是从张艺谋个人独特的"极致"导演思维出发,把他的电影作品——从1983年的处女作《红高梁》一直到2002 年的《英雄》——分为表意和纪实两极,作了一次宏观全面的梳理,分析其中包含的美学内蕴,并探究这种"两极"美学现象和"极致"导演思维产生的根源。

So, for example, last week the home secretary pathetically and idiotically banned the Dutch MP Geert Wilders from entering the UK to show his noxious and offensive anti-Islam film at the invitation of members of the House of Lords.


Film: simply scan your image with a film scanner and do the same thing you would do with your digital camera or use your darkroom for a piece of hand made art.


It's great IMHO, and he looks so different from his IA's Yan!


But, Ning isn't just an imitator, as can be seen from Crazy Stone. In that film, everything has a Ning Hao touch.


Made in many different sizes and versions, and released in differentmoments all along a movie's life, posters immortalize in one staticimage the feeling and the atmosphere of a motion picture.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
