英语人>网络例句>生锈的 相关的搜索结果


与 生锈的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mr Doig's Canada is a cold, wet, sad place, and the screen of snow in "Cobourg 3 + 1 More" gives a simple landscape of a river and trees a patina of abstraction.

道格的描绘的加拿大潮湿、寒冷而又伤感,&Cobourg 3+1&描绘的冬日景色:河流、树木都像是生锈的铜盘子。

From the moment Saccus saw Eul in his suit of heavy ebony and blazing dai-katana and Beraid in his collection of dusty, rusted lizard-scales and spear from Hazadir's shop, he knew who would win.


It is a grotesque and somehow morbid picture to drive by these areas, where everything just seems to be black, where dead trees are sad indicators of the once flouring landscape, where rusty oil rigs, pipelines, and. whole factory plants are remnants of the once blooming Soviet petrochemical industry.


This was a fair proposal, it must be confessed, had it been made toany one that had not had a settlement and a plantation of his ownto look after, which was in a fair way of coming to be veryconsiderable, and with a good stock upon it; but for me, that wasthus entered and established, and had nothing to do but to go on asI had begun, for three or four years more, and to have sent for theother hundred pounds from England; and who in that time, and withthat little addition, could scarce have failed of being worth threeor four thousand pounds sterling, and that increasing too - for meto think of such a voyage was the most preposterous thing that everman in such circumstances could be guilty of.


The hollow grip of the gun contained a small oilier, which was necessary as the all-steel gun rusted easily in wet climate.


"Most paints can tolerate mildly acidic reaidues better than alkaline residues or from cleaners,or indeed the iron oxide or rusted steel which also has an alkaline reaction."


The Rajdhani Oil and Oilseeds Exchange is hidden among a cluster of small shops and peopled by men in kurta pyjamas, their hair dyed with henna, reclin ing in the afternoon heat under rusted fans.


That does not mean that by coating the surface of ordinary steel plate stoves to deal with the cavity is extremely rusty, from the current materials, technology and manufacturing costs as well as market acceptance, ordinary steel plate in the microwave oven is not Inferior, but not as a result of the introduction of stainless steel microwave ovens have been out of trend.


My next Care was for some Ammunition and Arms; there were two very good Fowling-pieces in the great Cabbin, and two Pistols, these I secur'd first, with some Powder-horns, and a small Bag of Shot, and two old rusty Swords; I knew there were three Barrels of Powder in the Ship, but knew not where our Gunner had stow'd them, but with much search I found them, two of them dry and good, the third had taken Water, those two I got to my Raft, with the Arms, and now I thought my self pretty well freighted, and began to think how I should get to Shore with them, having neither Sail, Oar, or Rudder, and the least Cap full of Wind would have overset all my Navigation.


All that remained were the dusty almond trees, the reverberating streets, the houses of wood and roofs of rusting tin with their taciturn inhabitants, devastated by memories.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
