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与 生物科学 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The copper-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of alkynes with azides is a typical example of "click" reaction.1 Since the reaction enjoys the advantages of high efficiency and regioselectivity and requires mild reaction conditions and simple purification procedures, it has become a versatile synthetic tool with applicability in diverse areas including bioconjugation and surface modification.2 The click reaction has also been utilized in polymer science with emphasis on the functionalization of preformed polymers through postpolymerization approaches.3 The effort of developing the reaction into a new polymerization technique, however, has met with only limited success.

登录后回答可以获得经验值奖励,并可以查看和管理所有的回答。登录|铜催化1,3偶极环加成反应的炔烃与叠氮化物是&点击&自reaction.1典型的例子反应享有高效率的优势和区域选择性并要求反应条件温和,简单净化程序,它已成为一个多功能综合工具在包括生物耦合和不同领域的适用性表面modification.2的点击反应亦是利用聚合物科学与功能化的重点通过postpolymerization approaches.3预制聚合物发展到一个新的聚合反应的努力技术,然而,只取得有限的成功。

Having characteristic of high biological identification,DNA analytic technique has been became one of main methods of bioassay.


Basing on the height of the biological diversity, guiding by the view of scientific development, the prevention of biohazard must build and perfect aimed measure such as ecological compensation to promote coordinated development of human, society and nature.


With the development of science, serious problems arise within people's diettoday. 1. It is seriously disproportionate of the three daily meals. We pay more attention to supper while neglecting the most important breakfast. 2. Human's digest system has strict biorhythm, but we always confuse our diet time. 3. In our daily diet, sometimes we absorb excessive nutrition while sometimesless than necessary. 4. Each kind of food has its most proper edible time, but we eat at our pleasure without thinking the time. 5. We always neglect the synergistic effect or reciprocal effect of food. 6. Due to various genes and blood types, each person has the very food most suitable for him to eat.


And it has also been the important role of the academic broads, which should research the policies in order to supply the scientific and reliable reasons to the policy reformation. That is where the significant topic selected by this dissertation.


Science has discovered that our bodies contain white corpuscles and red corpuscles as well as innumerable microorganisms. There are many living things in our bodies.


We show that, although the Fenna Matthews Olson protein in natural conditions largely contains bipartite entanglement between dimerized chromophores, a small amount of long-range and multipartite entanglement should exist even at physiological temperatures.


This kind of configuration suits the multi-nucleotide chain's purine pyrimidine alternate area. in 1989, the American scientists with scanning tunnel electron microscope law visual observation double helix DNA double helix DNA ︰ in 1952, Austrian lineage US biology chemist Zha Qiefu (E.chargaff,1905-) have determined in DNA 4 kind of basic group content, the discovery gland fat ling and thymine quantity are equal, the bird fat ling and cytosine quantity is equal.

这种构型适合多核苷酸链的嘌呤嘧啶交替区。1989年,美国科学家用扫描隧道电镜法直接观察到双螺旋DNA 双螺旋DNA︰1952年,奥地利裔美国生物化学家查伽夫(E.chargaff,1905—)测定了DNA中4种碱基的含量,发现其中腺膘呤与胸腺嘧啶的数量相等,鸟膘呤与胞嘧啶的数量相等。

In 2003 Scientific American cited his work on hydrogen production from biomass feedstocks as one of the top 50 breakthroughs of the year.


By combining a case analysis and experiences and lessons from the fire prevention work, the author put forward the development direction and the key improvement of forest fire prevention technology as follows: keep on the studies on weather and situation of forest fire and the short-term, medium-term and long-term fire forecasting, establishing the countrywide forest fire forecasting system step by step, enhancing the biologic fire prevention construction based on forest- prevention web and system, improving the ability of the initial fire obstruction, expanding the forest fire plan, strengthening the management of combustible substances, completing the national satellite network for forest-fire monitoring as soon as possible, speeding up the construction of computer assistance decision system, GIS forest resources geography information system and the GPS world fixed position system, strengthening the fire prevention communication and the extinguishing fire with aviation airplane and chemistry, implementing the modernization of fire machine tool.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
