英语人>网络例句>生物科学 相关的搜索结果


与 生物科学 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The optimum degradation rate of LAS was found in fluvial soil,at 8 d and 25 ℃ with 20 mg·kg-1 of LAS,the degradation rate of LAS reached 33.2%.


First,we have discovered stone artefacts in caves, which have similar features to that were broadly scattered in laterite terraces in Bose basin(0.8 Ma B.P),next study on deposits and fauna will be hopefully contributed to document paleoenvironmental background of early human;Second,early human fossils,Gigantopithecus and mammalian fossils unearthed in Mohui cave provide new evidence of early human origin; Third,after our scientific excavation in Fengshudao site in Bose basin, we have found five pieces of bi-face LCT with 10 tektites and nearly 100 stone artefacts form original laterite deposit.This important discovery is very answerable to international question about stratigraphic suspect of LCT; Fourth, abounding mammallian fossils with human fossils and remains from early Pleistocene to Holocene have been uncovered after systematically excavation in marginal cave of Bose basin.These discoveries are significant to the study on human evolution and establishment of sequence of Quarternary biological-stratigraphic in southern China.

首先,我们在百色盆地边缘洞穴堆积物中,发现与百色盆地内网纹红土阶地(0.8 Ma )类型相似的石制品,通过对堆积物及其包含动物群的研究有望对解决早期人类生存环境背景作出贡献;其次,在么会洞发现了早更新世早期大约1.8 Ma 的人类化石、巨猿化石和丰富的哺乳动物化石,为解决早期人类起源提供了新的证据;再次,在百色盆地枫树岛旧石器时代遗址,通过科学发掘,从原生地层中发现五件与玻璃陨石共生的手斧,以及近百件其它类型的石制品,解决了目前国际学术界普遍关注的百色手斧的层位问题,为进一步确定百色旧石器的时代奠定了基础;另外,通过对百色盆地边缘洞穴的系统发掘,发现了自早更新世早期至全新世以来不同时代的大量哺乳动物化石,同时还发现中更新世晚期--晚更新世早期和全新世的人类化石和石制品,对研究人类演化、建立华南第四纪生物地层序列具有重要的科学意义。

The results showed that the experimental curricula of our faculty have many disadvantages, such as limited types of evaluators, outdated approaches for evaluation, less characteristics and incomprehensive evaluation system, which need to be improved. Thus, according to the teaching methods and characteristics of our four-leveled experimental curricula i.e.


SCIENCE (for Grades 7 -9) is a newly assigned comprehensive course in the new round of educational course reform. Science course takes training the science attainment of students as purpose, it covers the original contents of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geography for junior high school, also Astronomy and some intersectional subjects are involved.


The Master of Science program in Biotechnology Science at Kean University is a 34 credit interdisciplinary program designed to prepare students for research in t...


Departments Include Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Epidemiology and Community Medicine, The Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Anesthesia, Family Medicine, Ophthalmology Pediatrics ,Medicine, Radiology, Obstetrics and Gynacology, Laryngology, Psychiatry, Surgery.


The authers give a brief account of the present situation and prospects for the application of immunochemical methods to agricultural sciences, inculding identification of species, diagnosis of animal and plant diseases, quantitative and locative analysis of substances of biological activity in living things, determinat...


This major prepares students to teach general science or a combination of biological and physical science at various grade levels.


Displaces is simultaneously pays great attention to the goal and the process, and the teaching process mutual conformity interaction, the multiplication, the dynamic process evaluation. By science of library classification this article straightens out the foundation (Contend analysis, Post-modernism, Multi-intelligence), connotation and evaluation tools (students card, growth portfolio, academic performance on biological learning) of the process evaluation.


The colleges three divisions are organized into 21 departments. Agricultural Sciences Departments, Environmental Sciences Departments, Human Sciences Departments, Agronomy and Range Science, Animal Science, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Entomology, Environmental Horticulture, Nematology, Plant Pathology, Pomology, Vegetable Crops, Viticulture and Ecology, Environmental Science and Policy, Environmental Toxicology, Landscape Architecture, Land, Air and Water Resources, Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology, Agricultural and Resource Economics, Environmental Design, Food Science and Technology, Human and Community Development, Nutrition, Textiles and Clothing.

该学院由三部分共 21个系组成,农业科学部包括环境科学系、人类科学系、农学系、动物科学系、生物和农业工程学系、昆虫学系、环境园艺系、线虫学系、植物病理系、果实栽培学系、蔬菜农作物系、葡萄栽培和葡萄酒酿造学系、环境科学和政策系、环境毒理学系、景区建筑学系、土地空气和水资源系、野生植物系、鱼类保护生物学系、农业和资源经济学、环境设计系、食品科学和技术系、人类和社区发展系、营养系等。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
