英语人>网络例句>生活者 相关的搜索结果


与 生活者 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yet ,even as the numble of new infection has dropped , the numble of people living with HIV is increasing , better treatments are exstending lives and more people are getting the drugs.


Thisconversationalist leads him to go ahead for a different country orage, who either unbosoms his personal regrets to him or discussessome learning and living problems which are unknown tohim.


The fundings in-operation were:complicated spinal canal stenosis was in9cases,luted ligament pachynsis in45cases,some tissue bulged into vertebral canal and had fragmentation in9cases,in one case calcifieation appeared.The follow-up period was six months to one year,all patients operated on were lived a normal life.

结果 58例均以手术治疗,术中结果与造影CT扫描相符,术中发现合并椎管狭窄9例,黄韧带肥厚者45例,11例椎间盘组织突出椎管内呈碎裂状,1例伴钙化现象,全部病例在术后半年至1年后随访,均能恢复正常生活。

Since this sort of details might, particularly at the present moment, and to use an expression now in fashion, give to the Bishop of D---- a certain "pantheistical" physiognomy, and induce the belief, either to his credit or discredit, that he entertained one of those personal philosophies which are peculiar to our century, which sometimes spring up in solitary spirits, and there take on a form and grow until they usurp the place of religion, we insist upon it, that not one of those persons who knew Monseigneur Welcome would have thought himself authorized to think anything of the sort.


Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty,and paon make a mockery of what human life should be.


For one reason, he originally sheds light on Marxian philosophy with the ontology of poesis, hence the concept of material production practice is made impractical.


Hacking , our electronic-age term for computer break-in , is more and more in the news — brainy kids vandalizing university records , even pranking about in supposedly safeguarded systems . To those who understand how computer networks are increasingly regulating life in the late 20th century, these are not laughing matters .


[Objective]TO discuss a practicable process for artificial ificial limb installation and rehabilitation training for injuried workers at present in China, by analyzing the advantages, problems and ways to solve problems which exist in the installations and rehabilitation therapies , making comparisons of ADLbetween preinstallation and postinstallation ,and giving mental therapies.

摘 要:[目的]分析目前工伤截肢者假肢安装及康复治疗的优点,存在的问题及解决问题的对策;假肢安装前后日常生活能力比较及心理康复。探讨一条适合于我国工伤患者假肢安装及康复训练程序。

This qualitative study was designed by adopting the field method with observer as participant approach to collect the data. Four primiparous women were invited into this study.


Dolores Cannons compilation fromhypnosis of others http://www.ozarkmt.com/ Dolores Cannon is a past-life regressionist andhypnotherapist who specializes in the recovery and cataloging ofLost Knowledge.

DoloresCannon对他人催眠的编纂 http://www.ozarkmt.com/他是位过去生活的复归者和催眠专家,专门研究找回&失去的知识&,并对其进行目录编制。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
