英语人>网络例句>生动 相关的搜索结果


与 生动 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Most hotels have an ala carte restaurants and offer some form of evening entertainment, varying from a single kora player to a lively stage show or an African dance troupe.


The suras of this period contain some narratives from the Gospel, enjoin the rites of pilgrimage, refute the cavillings of the Koreish, and contain vivid descriptions of the resurrection, judgment, heaven, and hell, with proofs of God's unity, power, and providence.

该suras这一时期包含了一些说明的福音,责成朝圣仪式,驳斥了cavillings的Koreish ,并载有生动的描述,复活的判断,天堂,地狱,以证明上帝的团结,电力和普罗维登斯。

This film was the prequel to a popular Japanese television series, which features some of the most dramatic samurai action scenes ever lensed.


This film was the prequel to a popular Japanese television series, which features some of the most dramatic samurai action scenes ever lensed.


He has won praise for his translations of Greek poetry and opera libretti as well as his definitive biographies of a wide range of figures, both living and historical.


To Dinin's superior eyes, which translated subtle variations of heat into vivid and colorful images, the Underdark was far from a lightless place.


It's a vivid scene brought to life through the intricate descriptions and details of each hostel, trip, and person Lingel encounters.


Zhuzhi poems in the Qing Dynasty vividly describe the atmosphere of litigiosity in the folk society,the reason and artifice in the civilian litigation,the phenomenon that yamen runners considered the litigation as the origin of profit,and the harmfulness of the litigation.


I remember vividly every element of the place, down to the intensely Londonish look of the grey opposite houses, in the gap of the white curtains of the high windows, and the exact spot where, on a particular afternoon, I put down my tea-cup for Brooksmith, lingering an instant, to gather it up as if he were plucking a flower.


Ashby takes May-to-September romance to extremes (this is more January to December) by teaming teenager Bud Cort and lovably wizened crone Ruth Gordon (of Rosemary's Baby) in an unlikely love affair enlivened by fake suicide attempts, stylish hearses, and much sexual weirdness.

Ashby 把五月至九月浪漫爱情发挥到了极至(这部倒更像是一月至十二月),影片中少年 Bud Cort 和可爱老妇人 Ruth Gordon(有 Rosemary 的孩子)产生匪夷所思的爱情,这爱情因几次假装的自杀未遂,新潮的灵车,和与性有关的离奇状况而生动鲜活。

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But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
