英语人>网络例句>生动 相关的搜索结果


与 生动 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chinese classifiers and English partitive construction s can be used to achieve rhetoric effects, ie, to make language concrete, vivid and picturesque as well as to express the idea of quantity.


The complex mosaic of themes and histories that emerges from this structure remains a vivid and moving statement on the role of man in nature, the idea of property and of patrimony, and the nature of family.


Many Americans have an image of a 'typical Indian', a chief who lived in a teepee with his squaw, smoked a peace pipe after signing a treaty with the white man, sent smoke signals to communicate with people far away, and spoke broken English full of colorful expressions such as 'big heap wampum' and 'speaks with forked tongue'.

许多美国人心目中有"典型的印第安人"形象:一个与妻子一起住在帐篷里的酋长,在同白人签订条约以后抽着和平烟斗,发出烟雾信号与远方的人联络,说着蹩脚但生动的英语,例如 big heap wampum和 speak with forked tongue。

Colors 10 Vivid Black, Black Cherry Pearl, Black Pearl, Fire Red Pearl, Pacific Blue Pearl, Pewter Pearl, Yellow Pearl

Colors10 生动的黑,黑樱桃珍珠,黑珍珠,射击红色珍珠,和平的蓝色珍珠,奖杯珍珠,黄色珍珠

Both Pearl S. Buck and Mao Dun describe Chinese peasants' land complex in their works vividly.


Pearl Buck s works about China, with the "country-peasantry" as the starting point of cognition, examines the culture nexus of power in China s countryside, outlines the political landscape of a traditional society, and, by virtue of vivid and lovely images, contemplates China s traditional social personality and makes predictions about it.


The difficulties that the beginning physics teachers meet in the process of their professional growth mainly includes: firstly, pedagogically speaking, how to accomplish the transformation from textbook knowledge to practical operation, from indirect experience to direct experience; how to get practiced in the course-book and acquainted with the students, how to design the teaching plan and the classroom teaching, how to induce students to get engaged in scientific probe, to develop effectively the physics curriculum resource and to give vivid and examples.


To satisfy our clients with originalities; penetrative marketing sences; personal ralationship and midea relationship, and systematized planning.


There is reason to believe that the consciousness of guilt for sin committed was keen and vivid, and that in the performance of these rites, so liable to abuse, a penitential disposition of soul was largely cultivated.


In addition to penning a vivid description of his experiences in Solferino in 1859, he explicitly advocated the formation of national voluntary relief organizations to help nurse wounded soldiers in the case of war.


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But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
