英语人>网络例句>生动 相关的搜索结果


与 生动 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Among his later works (about 1607 to 1614) are the tragedies Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, and Timon of Athens, as well as the fantastical romances The Winter's Tale and The Tempest.


Hugo On the absolute nature of artistic creation can not be had in order to imitate Corneille's "Cid" as an example played a very vivid metaphor.


I remember Corot once expressed the same thought that the artistic beauty is the truth which embodies the impression we get when we enjoy the scenery.


Even Jean Paul Gaultier's vivid journey down Mexico-way, via basket-weave leather and feathered gowns, uber-embroidered denim corsetry over gold lamé and sequinned gangster pinstripes seemed gorgeously, dishearteningly, familiar; ending the show with a serenade from Arielle Dombasle, ageing siren, only emphasised the point.

甚至连高缇耶鲜明生动的墨西哥旅程看上去也令人沮丧地感到极其熟悉:编织的皮毛、插上羽毛的礼服、带绣花的牛仔紧身衣、配有金色绸缎与亮片的土匪细条纹西装;秀结尾所使用的艾莉儿·唐贝索的小夜曲ageing siren,仅仅更凸显了这一点。

Even Jean Paul Gaultier's vivid journey down Mexico-way, via basket-weave leather and feathered gowns, uber-embroidered denim corsetry over gold lameacute; and sequinned gangster pinstripes seemed gorgeously, dishearteningly, familiar; ending the show with a serenade from Arielle Dombasle, ageing siren, only emphasised the point.

甚至连高缇耶鲜明生动的墨西哥旅程看上去也令人沮丧地感到极其熟悉:编织的皮毛、插上羽毛的礼服、带绣花的牛仔紧身衣、配有金色绸缎与亮片的土匪细条纹西装;秀结尾所使用的艾莉儿。唐贝索的小夜曲ageing siren,仅仅更凸显了这一点。

Awarded to Holland Cotter of The New York Times for his wide ranging reviews of art, from Manhattan to China, marked by acute observation, luminous writing and dramatic storytelling.


An interesting coursebook, lively and well presented, with variety of topic and activity can be a powerful factor in strengthening the motivation of the learners, and often of teachers too.


But in the middle of the room, there was a splendid model covered with glass cover.


The SJMC took tea to China during an intensive, three-week Advertising a2b course at Shanghai International Studies University last month.Senior Instructor Mindy Kiger Cheval and Associate Professor David Slayden gave 50 students and 10 advertising professionals a crash-course on American advertising.

6月17日,美国科罗拉多大学校园网的《热点追踪》栏目刊登了名为《把茶叶销往中国市场挑战广告专业学生》(Selling tea to China challenges advertising students)的图片专题文章,以生动的描述回顾了举办于今年5月的科大新闻传播学院和我校新闻传播学院的合作项目――"广告a2b"项目,对项目的成功举办给予高度评价。

And here some indistinct recollections of the black though ingenious Cromwellian thief Sir William Petty and his double-bottomed vessel were driven clear out of his mind, for lashed to the starboard stem was a carving some six feet high, a very lively carving of three men: the first had the second standing on his shoulders and the second the third; and these three were connected by the huge penis which rose from the loins of the first, towering past the second to a point above the third man's head and held by all three as it mounted.


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But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
