- 与 生产方法 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The unique formulary to produce greenbacks is if you extend trading and using the methods that have consistently worked conducive to you.
Based on the different fouling mechanism, the appropriate cleaning method can be obtained.
In this subject ,the friction and mechanical drive are organically combined together,the new conceiving , new method , new craft for heavy-load and low-speed gear 's design ,manufacture and use are offered, the key technology problem needed for the productionscene is solved.
The author introduced to design a language for dominant with Visual Basic 6.0, combine Access2003 of tiring-room relation database, build Xinjiang the principle of system of information of database of feral fruiter resource and method, the database technology development that uses the computer goes the complete feral fruiter that can apply extensively at service of fruiter production, scientific research, education, society to wait is planted program of qualitative resource database.
笔者介绍了以Visual Basic 6.0为主导设计语言,结合后台关系数据库Access2003,建立新疆野生果树资源数据库信息系统的原理和方法,运用计算机的数据库技术开发出一套完整的可广泛应用于果树生产、科研、教学、社会服务等的野生果树种质资源数据库程序。
We are organized around the above problems, using national exemption from inspection of yizheng days industril chemical plant production of coupling agent: TM-200S fulguration neutrase in the Super dispersant, ink products, is the business card printing and membership card making ink system of different pigments, fillers and binders, couplign to fractionized's excellent performance in combination with the new students'individuality envirogluvtm manufacturing process, in this way, in the coatings industry is widely used, and shows than colorants, links for more.
This study lays the foundation for the factorial production of antagonistic substance by B47 strain and new methods of preventing from the pathogens of watermelon fusarium wilt.
In conclusion, the proposed approach has a simple form without Gauss distribution and is in a large application to the quality control of small batch production.
Compared the geometric figure simulated by computer with the log picture, it is showed that the design for the technical line is right and the mathematical methods is reasonable and the accuracy of log centering is accurate.
The mixture produced fromβ-pinene mainly containing geraniol and nerol,whose difference in boiling-point is only 2 C. They were separated by using the omethod of vacuum batch distillation and flash distillation with additives.
以β-蒎烯路线生产的香叶醇和橙花醇混合醇产品为原料,采用减压间歇精馏和闪蒸方法,通过添加络合剂提高产品的质量,实现了沸点差仅为 2℃的橙花醇和香叶醇的分离。
These results suggest that the diet containing appropriate VE can promote the development of gonad and spawning of females in this crayfish.
- 推荐网络例句
By the time of its fall, most of the prisoners were writers who had written against the corruptions of the government.
The most obvious variation to ovum morphological character was that the color was changed from light green to sepiaceous in embryonic development, and all the ovums were almost hatched after 96h.
There was a conflict between plebs and patricians in ancient Rome in 494BC.