英语人>网络例句>理解 相关的搜索结果


与 理解 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Especially when each other misfortune or unpleasant things tend to express kind or commiserations and expressed understanding and good wishes to the reader, the writer express concern, understand the way our sympathy or show called "human" strategy.


In a word,to make an analysis of the choice of text from the angle of the translator's subj...


The fifth chapter examines how the Research Clique, an intellectual group closely related to the Progressive Party and the constitutionalists, perceived revolution by studying their journal Jiefang yu gaizao (The Emancipation and Reconstruction Semi-Monthly).


In this paper, we propose a new approach to spoken Chinese understanding which combines statistical and rule-based methods. In this approach, the semantic classification trees which are built by the semantic rules automatically learned from the training data are used to disambiguate key words related to the sentences' shallow semantic meaning, and then, a statistical model is used to extract the whole sentence's domain action.


Program slicing is an important way to help developers and maintainers to understand and analyze the structure and activities of the programs.


Simply put that "young" is an adjective, and "die" has to be a linking verb even though it can be used as an action verb.


If your math level is strong enough, and you understand matrix multiplications and rotations, you can very easily understand and follow the code.


They are not the only nonconformists in the zodiac, but they do not typically have the skills to make themselves understood by others and I am not so sure that they even care if people really understand them.


Volunteer members in Richmond, south-west London, display a ''Community Toilet Scheme'' sticker in their windows and publicise their locations with street signs, noticeboards and maps.

来自里奇蒙德和伦敦西南部(地理位置的相互关系理解错误)的自愿加入的成员展示了陈列在他们商店橱窗中的&社区厕所计划&的滞销物,以及公示他们的街道标识、布告栏和地图以示其地理方位。(理解错误。 Sticker 是指黏贴物。本句意思是这些成员在橱窗上黏贴着社区厕所计划的标识,并在路标、告示牌和地图上公布它们的方位。

Further analysis of each question item reveals that pictures in both videos can direct and delegate attention to key linguistic features, with documentary pictures playing a more significant role than paralinguistic features in talkshows, whereas recalling and internalization of linguistic input without corresponding video hints are hindered.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
