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与 环 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The discovery of evidence of trepanation of Guangrao elongates the history of skull trepanation for 1000 years in China.


By controlling the in-degrees of different kinds of nodes, the above shortest-path algorithm is improved again, so that radial and mesh hybridizing systems can be optimized simultaneously.


In allusion to the lower measuring efficiency and inconvenience during the measurement of dynamic contact resistance of slip-ring, addressed improving methods for preventing the leads from intertwisting each other, and developed a measuring system for solving dynamic contact resistance measurement of slip-ring.


A wire tying tool having a set of movable talons (400, 401) for channeling a loop of hard wire fed from a spool (600) around an object to be tied with a wire knot at high speed; a wire drive (364) with a pullback feature to retract the loop under tension to tighten the loop around the object; a clutch-controlled retractable reel to hold the tension on the wire on the reel; a spinner/cutter that extrudes a knot by turning, kinking and cutting the wire, and then rotating to twist the wire into a knot while drawing the spinner away from the work surface.


One valley lied between two peaks(flower beginning period and fruit maturating period).When meeting blood serum,the electron on the ring B-C and A-C of quercetin molecule would move and make -OHs of Ring B and A ionizated and one anion with double negative charge would present.


Our results indicated that (1) aortic rings with and without endothelium precontracted by NE to decreased pH induced a relaxation; aortic rings with and without endothelium to increased pH induced a contraction; there is no significant difference in presence and absence of endothelium .(2)NO levels had no significant change in isolated aortic rings presence and absence of endothelium to decreased pH and increased pH ;(3)sulfite levels in isolated aortic rings with endothelium reduced to decreased pH and increased pH. sulfite levels in aortic rings without endothelium had no remarkable change.


In pacemaker cells of SA node superfused with the oxygenated K—H solution, MDP, APA, V〓, VDD, RPF and APD〓 were—45±5mv, 48±4mv, 2. 4±0.9v/s, 89±8 mv/s, 200±11bpm and 206±15ms, respectively. Anoxia (perfused for 20min with a modified K—H solution gassed with 100% N〓 and deprived of glucose) increased MDP, APA and V〓, and decreased VDD and RPF in a timedependent manner. At anoxia for 20min, the above parameters were—58±5mv, 64±5mv, 11. 7±2. 7v/s, 24±7mv/s, 92±11bpm and 179± 14ms, respectively. ADase (10U/L).

戊腺苷和苯基异丙基腺苷不仅能增加豚鼠窦房结起搏细胞APA、MDP和〓,且能减小VDD、RPF和〓在戊腺苷20nmol/L浓度时,MDA、APA和〓分别增值5.4±0.7mv、7.6±0.9mv和2.4±0.5v/s,VDD、RPF和〓分别降低32±4mv/s、68±9bpm和31±12ms(p.05或0.01)。0.1μmol/L 8—苯茶碱和10μmol/L格列苯脲能明显地抑制戊腺苷的电生理效应。

This article introduced the types of liquid crystalline and mechanism of the toughening epoxy resin.


In rat esophagus, the positive varicosities and fibres could be observed in the circular muscle layer and the muscularis mucosae layer at 21st day before birth. With the development of rat digestive tract, neurokinin A-immunoreactivity positive nerves could be observed gradually in the epithelium, submucosa, longitudinal muscle layer, myenteric plexus and submucosal plexes, while mature nerve fibres could be seen at one month after birth. 2. In rat stomach, the positive reaction of NKA initially happened in the myenteric plexus at the 14th day of embryo, and then appeared on circular muscles, longitudinal muscles, submucosal, muscularis mucosae, lamina propria and epithelium. 30 days after birth, expression of NKA is same as seen in adaulthood. 3. In rat small intestinal, the NKA-IR could first be found in the myenteric plexus of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum at 14th , 15th and 17th day before birth respectively. Then the NKA-IR occurred in the longitudinal muscle layer, circular muscle layer, intestinal villus, intestinal gland, muscularis mucosae, submucosa, submucosal plexes, mucosa plexus and deep muscular plexus.

结果 1、在食管,于胚胎21天的粘膜肌层和肌层内观察到神经激肽A免疫阳性膨体纤维,出生后,随幼鼠的生长发育,相继在上皮,粘膜下层,纵肌层、肌间丛、粘膜下丛有NKA-IR表达,30天时已和成年鼠相似;2、在胃,首先于胚胎14天的肌间丛出现NKA-IR的表达,随发育相继在肌、纵肌,粘膜下层、粘膜肌、固有膜及上皮内出现NKA-IR的表达,30天时具备成年鼠的分布特征;3、在小肠,分别于胚胎14、15、17天的十二指肠、空肠和回肠的肌间丛处出现NKA-IR的表达,随发育相继出现在纵肌、肌、绒毛、小肠腺周、粘膜肌、粘膜下层、粘膜下丛、粘膜丛、深肌丛。

Through the experiment carried out in a water pot under conditions of different shape dimension, section figure of air emitter belt and the quantity of air, the research on how these conditions effect the resistance is done, and the actual resistance values of the bubble screen air emitter belt are also got.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
