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与 环 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The theory of accretion disks are important for many astrophysical phenomena, including Quasars, active galatic nucleic, X-ray binary stars, and young stellar objects. The most important branch of accretion djsk theory is the stability properties of djsks. It is widely considered that the luminosity variations of various astronomical objects are associated with the instability of accretion disk. The viscosity plays an important role in the accretion disk theory, and magnetic field exists commonly in astronomical phenomena. A more realistic analysis of the stabihty of the accretion disk should include both the radjal and azimuthal perturbations because of the strong shear of viscous flow.In this paper, according to the luminosity Variations of Various astronomical objects, we study the radial-azimuthal instability of an isothermal with magnetic field. We find that the radial and azimuthal fields B〓,B〓 are mainly responsible for enhancing the instability of the magneto-acoustic modes and non-axisymmetric modes,and that pulsational oscillations are larger in the radial than in the Z direction. The model may be useful in explaining the periodic light variation of FU orionis and. T Tauri stars.

在许多天体物理现象中,例如活动星系核,X-射线双星和年青的恒星理论中,吸积盘理论起着重要的作用,而吸积盘理论中的一个重要分支是吸积盘的不稳定性理论,普遍认为活动天体的周期,准周期光变现象与吸积盘的不稳定性有关,在吸积盘理论中,粘滞起着重要的作用,而磁场是天体物理中普遍存在的现象,对于几何薄吸积盘不稳定性分析,由于强剪切流的缘故,应该包括径向和向扰动两个方面,本文结合天体物理中的各种周期,准周期光变现象,研究了含磁场的等温薄吸积盘的径向-向振荡不稳定性,结果表明:磁场的径向和向分量对磁声模和非轴对称模的不稳定性的增加起着主要的作用,且径向振荡大于轴向振荡,所得结果有利于解释FU Orionis和T Tauri Stars的周期光变现象。

Using poly (4-merhylpentene-l) as a membrane material and cyclohexane, irich-loroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, mixture of cyclohexane and trichloroethylene or tetrachloro-ethylene as solvents, the solution were cast to form homogeneous dense membranes, and the crystalline properties and surface morphology were investigated by DSC and TEM.


By the mechanism of the electrocyclic reaction, three groups of 4-hydroxy-2-cyclobutenones 4 were designed and synthesized to investigate their behaviors underthe thermolysis conditions Meanwhile, a new procedure for preparation of 2(5H)-furanone 5 Was discovered.


The chapter 6 makes a study on the design and synthesis of new glycosides, which prepared from imidazole, thiazole and tetrazole aglycones mentioned above and glucose derivatives by phase transfer catalysis under the moderate reaction condition.


According to the H NMRstudy, it was found that the protons on the cyclopentadienyl ring of 〓 were not splitted, but when one proton on the cyclopentadienylring was substituted by methyl, that is in〓 complexes, thefour protons on the ring were splitted into four groups,the 〓 between the onesignal and the others is large, the total splitting is over 2ppm. The splittings werealso affected by the halides linked with the titanium, they increase according to theorder of CI, Br, I. By the study of the 〓 Sn NMR, it is found that the chemicalshifts of 〓 are present in low field. It is assume that the large space strain causesthe angles of the tin linked with ligands deviate from the normal tetrahedral anglesresults low field shift for 〓Sn. And by MS study,there were no molecular ions for 〓 complexes in the spectra. However, for 〓 when X=CI,Br,NCO and Ar is tolyl or phenyl group,there were molecular ions,but theirabundances were very small,and no that for the iodide was found.


The mathematical model of ruled helicoids on torus is constructed and two expression methods of ruled helicoids are discussed.


For one-dimensional mesoscopic metal rings system in external magnetic field, supposing the system has a symmetry under translation in charge space, the quantum current relation in mesoscopic metal rings is given by solving the eigenvalue equation of the current, the property of quantum current have been investigated and analysed.


Based on the curvature of substrate and Newton ring ,a simple set for measuring the stress in films is designed,which consists of a He-Ne laser,an extended lens,a convex lens and a travelling microscope with a spectroscope.

文章使用M athem atica描绘牛顿与迈克耳孙干涉条纹,形象地讨论了两条纹产生机理、纹中心、纹级次、非单色光纹及在测量波长时方法等的差异,使教学过程更具有直观性和生动性,加速教学手段现代化进程

The discovery of evidence of trepanation of Guangrao elongates the history of skull trepanation for 1000 years in China.


In chapter 3,we will consider the automorphisms of triangular matrix algebras over commutative semirings.


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