- 与 玩具 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Description: Children's half-face lion mask, made of soft plastic, brightly coloured.
德国通报中国生产的 FUNPACK 牌狮子面具玩具, EAN 编码为
Finally arriving at my favourite place in London, a 249 years old toys and sweets store called Hamleys.
EVAN DAVIS: Hamleys' flagship toy store in London.
All these toys are made by hand, not
As a matter of fact, they didn't know that jack was a mental patient. He gave the recruiting handbill to others only as a toy.
Project Handclasp is a US Navy program that provides donated items such as books, clothes, toys, and medical.
Products cover a wide range of audio-visual, office, household appliances, electronic toys, communication products, handloom or hand used to pinch generation mobile phones, radios, CD machine, walkie-talkie military communications, such as a micro-computer batteries.
Hanson Toys Industrial Co., Ltd. is a production, development, trade in one industrial company.
Hanson hopes to turn his creation in to a super toy and sell it with in 3 years.
This is why early CG lent itself to hard-shelled characters such as bugs or toys.
- 推荐网络例句
It has been put forward that there exists single Ball point and double Ball points on the symmetrical connecting-rod curves of equilateral mechanisms.
The factory affiliated to the Group primarily manufactures multiple-purpose pincers, baking kits, knives, scissors, kitchenware, gardening tools and beauty care kits as well as other hardware tools, the annual production value of which reaches US$ 30 million dollars.
The eˉtiology of hemospermia is complicate,but almost of hemospermia are benign.