英语人>网络例句>犯罪的 相关的搜索结果


与 犯罪的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First, Satan captured us; then he came to dwell in us as the inciter, the instigator, of our sins; the result is that he has become our illegal master, and we have become his captives to the extent that we are unable to do god and can only commit sins

三 首先撒但把我们俘掳了,然后他就住在我们里面,作我们犯罪的主动者、主使者;结果他就成了我们非法的主人,我们就作了他的奴隶,使我们好事不作,专作犯罪的

The development of market economy also accompanies with economic disputes and crime.In the inquisition of the economic dispute or the case,it will involve finance or accounting problems ineluctability.


With the development of modern technology and the intricacy of our life, the damage of the negligent crime increased with years.


That is to say, it is the key point to strengthen the function in financial channel.


Punishability in criminal law first should be the reasons for certain acts to be included in the Criminal Code as a crime,later it is result of violation of criminal law.


In order to change the passive status ,reinforce the stability of criminal code,and further effectively punish credit card crimes ,the recapitulative mode should be adopted i...


As the economic globalization and network internationalization developed further, it is important to control the transnational crime effectively , as to concern the international peace, security and economic development . China lies in the center of Asian-Pacific region, propose cooperating in combating the best model of the transnational crimes cooperation in this area, is the motive of this text.


When the law-and-order adherent is convinced that a choice to offend is sufficiently unfree, he does not wish to punish to offender.


In Chinese penal code, such crime is not only lighter than general unpremeditated crimes, but other professional unpremeditated crimes, which is diametrically opposed to our criminal law.


Take your education to the next level by following an advanced track of courses and seminars in correctional philosophy, law enforcement, victimology, juvenile delinquency, and modern theories of crime.


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9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
