英语人>网络例句>犯罪的 相关的搜索结果


与 犯罪的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From the actuality and characters about the juvenile delinquency to know the causes which restrict and decide the juvenile delinquency is various and anfractuous.


The biopsychosocial model was based on the reflection about the theories of single-facotor and combinatory models,and developed from the review of a lot of antisocial findings.


A person of non-status can be the accomplice in narrow sense of the crime of malfeasance, but not the coprincipal of the crime of malfeasance.


To the basic theories of offense of nontypical omission, the author inquired into the punishment; whether exists uncompleted problem?


This article is on the concept of offense of nontypical omission, the constitutive requirements and basic theories of which, and the relations between offense of nontypical omission and "Doctrine of A Legally Prescribed Punishment for A Special Crime".


There are multifarious means in credit card chicaning crime,to prevent and control credit card crime,we need public security office to crack down and dispose this crime on the one hand,also we need some act adopting by the institution of credit card and cardholders on the ot...


He may have what is called a locus poententiae , and he might desist , but if he is already involved in the full penalty by virtue of merely having attempted to commit the crime , he may have no motive for desisting .

但如果他由于仅仅已着手犯罪便已应受到不折不扣[MS5] 的刑罚惩罚,则他可能不会有中止犯罪的动机。

In maintaining the group, the major blame devolves onto the individual.


On the nature and status of gerrymandering that favoritism is favoritism of the crime of dereliction of crime and the motive for a subjective element.


Article 27 Member of the People's Bank of China, the public security organ or the administrative organ for industry and commerce who neglects his duty of office, abuses his power or commits illegalities for personal interests or by fraudulent means shall be investigated for criminal liabilities according to law if a crime is constituted; or be given administrative sanctions according to law if a crime is not constituted


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
