英语人>网络例句>特罗尔 相关的搜索结果


与 特罗尔 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the same time, they meet current environmental standards and save space, according to Allweiler CEO and Colfax Senior Vice President Dr. Michael Matros.


The team leader of two surface without any relation high school student-school basketball team troy bolton heel character is shy,achievement is outstanding freshman Gabriella Montez,in a Karaoke competition of vacation New Year's Eve,both of them discovers it turns out that each other love ardently all very to singing,they come to know more after vacation is over,only reading Yu Tong Yi school in the first place!

有个高中篮球队长特罗依波顿希尔很害羞,但同时也十分优秀,新生加百利蒙特兹,这两人在除夕假期的卡拉OK大赛上都发现自己非常喜欢歌唱,假期结束后他们对此有了更深的了解,第一次读了Yu Tong Yi school,两人计划参加声乐考试同时希望成为校园时尚音乐剧男女主角,两人积极地找到了自己的梦想

Waldeck, a Western press correspondent assigned toBucharest during the early war years, witnessed their use against crowds protesting King Carol's regime following Romania's loss of Transylvaniavia the German-imposed Second Vienna Award in the fall of 1940; she calls them tanks while describing them as being sky-blue in colour, an unusual camouflage pattern indeed.

在Rosie Waldeck的《雅典娜宫》一书中提到了这种装甲车,她本人是一名分配到布加勒斯特的西方通讯记者,在描述市民抗议1940年秋由于德国人强加的第二次维也纳裁决中而失去特拉西瓦尼亚一事变得声名狼藉的卡罗尔国王的游行中,她所称的"坦克",就是这种防暴车,她还提到车辆被涂成天蓝色,这可是一种不同寻常的涂装。

Nyberg, Albert and Scott Rozelle, 1999, Accelerating China's rural transformation, Washington, DC. World Bank.


In 1938, Photo Play Magazine listed Gable and Lombard among Hollywood's unmarried husbands and wives, along with Gilbert Roland and Constance Spinet and Robert Taylor and Barbara Stanwick.


Short Stories reunites Suzie with long time band-mates Bazil Donovan on bass, Cam Giroux on drums, Bob Packwood on piano as well as the explosive talents of Luke Doucet, Justin Rutledge and Burke Carroll.


Luxe, calme et volupté, painted during the previous summer at St-Tropez, is exhibited at the Salon des Indépendants and bought by Signac.


In Durban proposals to rename streets after heroes of the new South Africa, such as Yasser Arafat and Fidel Castro, have been met with harrumphs.


And Tidermann, as mentioned in the earlier part of this synopsis, was one of the editors of Benjamins colleted works in the German version.


The great British ballerina Margot Fonteyn was also a revolutionary, involved "up to her neck" in a 1959 plot to overthrow the Government of Panama with the support of Fidel Castro.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
